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:: 0.8 Gamma The Evaluation of Natural Hazards by the Slope Processes in Rural Settlements of Ilgineh-Chai Drainage Basin Using Fuzzy and GIS Operators [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: 2008 An Analysis of Rural Housing Inequalities in Counties of East Azerbaijan Province in year 2008 [Volume 30, Number 136]
:: AHP Preparing a Flood Vulnerability Map using GIS-AHP Approach; Case study: Alamut Rood river basin [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: ANOVA Monitoring of scatter and small rural settlements to reorganization plans)case study: Shusf district in Nehbandan county) [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: Abrisham rural district. The Assessment of the Effects of Implementing Special Improvement Plan on Rural Housing Development (Case Study: Abrisham Rural District) [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: Abyaneh, Kaya, House, Rural Housing. Recognition of House in ABYANEH [Volume 29, Number 131]
:: Ahvaz Factors Influencing Social Creativity in Urban Spaces; Case Study of Ahvaz Metropolis [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: Alamut Investigating the effect of the Kushak fault function on the occurrence of landslides in Ali Abad village [Volume 43, Number 187]
:: Andisheh. Evaluation of the Rural Relocation Plans from Environmental, Ecologic, Spatial and Functional Perspective; Case studies: Eslamieh and Andisheh Villages - Ilam Province [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Aqqala flood. Ethical Considerations in Providing Post-disaster Shelter: the Case Study of Villages of Aqqala County after the 2019 Golestan Flood [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: Architectural Modal System. Seeking to Find a Novel Concept to Type and Typology in Architecture (Case study: Vernacular Houses in Taft, Type of Tallardar) [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: Architectural education. Role of Indigenous knowledge and Technology in today's Architectural Education [Volume 31, Number 137]
:: Architecture Design Study on Influence of Climate on Architecture and Texture of Zavvareh [Volume 30, Number 136]
:: Architecture Schools. The Pathology of the Interaction of Inside and Outside Space in the Informal learning Spaces of Architecture Schools; Case study: College of Fine Arts and Higher School of Management [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Ardabil Explaining the basic components of the structure of vernacular houses case study: Ardebil vernacular houses [Volume 41, Number 178]
:: Aslanduz city Crisis management strategiess of the residential users in rural areas - cities (Sample: rural - urban Aslanduz, Ardebil province) [Volume 31, Number 138]
:: Bakharz County. Analysis and evaluation of social capital of micro-groups for sustainable rural development with a network analysis approach. Study area: Khorasan Razavi province, Bakharz county [Volume 40, Number 176]
:: Baluchestan. Indigenous Housing and Settlement on the Banks of the Sarbaz River in Baluchestan [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: Bam A Review on Public Participation in Reconstruction of Bam [Volume 31, Number 139]
:: Bam The Rural Housing Project and its effect on Housing Health and Safety Indices in Bam [Volume 32, Number 144]
:: Baravat. People’s Satisfaction with Reconstruction Management after Bam Earthquake (Case Study of Baravat City) [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: Bazoft Assessment of landslide risk and exposure rural settlements in Bazoft basin of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: Behavior. The Analysis of Spatial Relationships in Village Houses Based on a Social Approach (Case Study: Village Koopar) [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Beinolharamein Complex of Shiraz. Assessment of the Impact of Beinolharamein Megaproject on the Neighboring Community in Shiraz [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: Boolean Identification of Solid Waste Disposal Site at Filabad Village by Using an Integrated Approach: Boolean and Permutation [Volume 31, Number 138]
:: Borough Mehriz: Yesterday’s Borough, Today’s Garden City [Volume 34, Number 151]
:: Borujerd County Identifying factors affecting the creation of social interactions and functional security (case study: Mehr housing in Boroujard city) [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: Built Environment Relationship between Human Perceptional Dimensions with Factors of Identity in Architecture [Volume 33, Number 146]
:: Bushehr. ​​​​​​ Analyzing the concept of solitude with the spatial syntax technique in the spatial organization of rural homes; case Study: Bushehr province [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: CFD modeling. Analysis of Wind Behaviour in Naturally Ventilated Vernacular Housing in Ghaleno Village in Sistan, Using CFD Modelling [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: CHeshme Saran. An Explnation of Entrepreneurship Drivers and Rural Competitiveness Functions [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: CPTED Strategies Measuring the components of environmental security improvement in residential complexes based on CPTED approaches; case study: sugarcane industry residential complex in Ahvaz [Volume 43, Number 187]
:: CPTED approachroach The explanation of the relationship between physical factors and the quality of the concept of secondary domain with the level of social security of residents in residential settings in crime prevention based on the CPTED approach (Case study: Qazvin 400-unit residential complex) [Volume 40, Number 176]
:: Centralization Analysis of physio-Spatial Aspects of Centralization in Iranian Urban System [Volume 33, Number 147]
:: Chansevli. ​​​​​​​ Evaluating the provision of temporary housing in the village of Chensevli after the Golestan province 2019 flood from the perspective of cultural adequacy [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: Chemical test Analysis of Technical Chara cteristics of Bricks in Kashan Historial Buildings [Volume 43, Number 186]
:: Child Participation, Children’s Rights, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRR), Empowerment, Capacity-building The Call for Children’s Participation in Rural Empowerment and its Fundamentals [Volume 30, Number 133]
:: Chohar-Sofeh houses. The Typology of Chohar-Sofeh Houses of Dosiran Village [Volume 39, Number 169]
:: City Divandarreh. Strategic Analysis of Executive Management in Rural Hadi Plan City Divandarreh By Method SWOT And QSPM [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: Cold Climate Architecture A Study on the Thermal Indexes of Membranes in Building Envelope (The Case of Rural Areas of Ardebil) [Volume 34, Number 150]
:: Community Evolution of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design [Volume 32, Number 144]
:: Conservation Charters. Village and Rural Heritage in the Evolution of International Conservation Documents [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: Consistent and Inconsistent Scenarios. Developing Earthquake Resiliency Scenarios based on Rural-Urban Linkages (Case Study: Shemiranat, Damavand and Firouzkoh) [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Contemporary housing of Iran Identifying Effective Factors in Creating Home Attachment Based Using Grounded Theory (Case Study: Residential Units in Isfahan) [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: Cooling Load The Effect of the Cross Pattern on Cooling Load in Traditional Houses of Yazd [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: Culture Ecological View to the Architecture of Habitats [Volume 33, Number 145]
:: Culture and Architecture Culture in Architectural Researches [Volume 31, Number 138]
:: Culture. A Formal Analysis of Houses in Vernacular Architecture of Khorasan; Case Study: Boshrouyeh City in Pre-Pahlavi Period [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Dahouiyeh. The Role of Sense of Place in Social Resilience in Relocating Settlements: A Case Study of Dahouiyeh Village after Zarand Earthquake [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: Dailaman District Impacts Assessment of Transformation of Rural Settlements to Urban ones in Development of Mountainous Regions, Using Grounded Theory Method (Case Study: Dailaman District, Siahkal Township) [Volume 33, Number 145]
:: Dargaz countyy Assessing the physical vulnerability of rural households to floods; Case study: Dargaz county [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: Development, sustainable development, management, rural metropolis Tehran The Concept of Sustainable Development in Rural Environments Metropolitan Area (Case Study Metropolis Tehran) [Volume 29, Number 130]
:: Disaster Shelter A Comparative Study on Iranian Nomads Housing [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: Disaster, Reconstruction, Paper Material, Emergency shelter, Temporary Shelter Architecture with Paper Materials: “Construction of Temporary Shelter after Disaster” [Volume 30, Number 134]
:: Divandareh County. Factors Analysis Associated With Villagers Satisfaction of Plan of Hadi: Case Study of gharagol Village of Diwandareh county [Volume 32, Number 142]
:: Downsizing Priorities for Downsizing Process in Informal Settlements in Mashhad City [Volume 34, Number 151]
:: Drainage Networks. Monitoring and Stabilization of Landslide Using Survey and Engineering Geology Data (Case Study: Noghol Landslide Padena'sSemirom County) [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: Earthquake The experience of Post-Earthquake Housing Reconstruction- 1972 Town of Qir [Volume 34, Number 150]
:: Earthquake. Architecture, Cooling Performance and Seismic Behaviour of Wind Towers [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: Earthquake. Regeneration of Executive Methods in Vernacular Architecture in facing Earthquake [Volume 31, Number 137]
:: Earthquake. The Evidence Based Participatory Design Process Framework, in Post- Earthquake Permanent Housing Reconstruction Gillan-Zanjan (1990), Varzaghan (2012) and Kermanshah (2017) Earthquakes [Volume 38, Number 168]
:: East Azerbaijan The Survey of the Effecting Factors on the Functional Changes of Rural Settlements in the Influence of Metropolitan Zones (A Case Study: Biragh, Heravi, Haj Abdol, and Dizaj Leyly Khani Villages located in Lyghvan Valley, East Azerbaijan) [Volume 33, Number 146]
:: East Bandpey. Investing the Impact of Expansion of the Rural-Urban Public Transport System on the Economic and Social Development in Rural Areas in the Eastern Region of Bandpey in Babol County [Volume 39, Number 169]
:: Eastern Roumeshkhan County. Structural-Functional Analysis of the Rural Housing Using Sustainable Development Approach (Case Study: in Eastern Roumeshkhan County, Kuhdasht township) [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: Eco-tourism, Sustainable Development, Environment, Qeshm. The Role of Eco-Tourism in Urban & Rural Sustainable Development (case study: Qeshm Island) [Volume 29, Number 132]
:: Ecology A study on the key factors affecting the rural house architecture in Fars province [Volume 32, Number 141]
:: Eenergy saving Fenestration Through the Ages and Its Role in Today’s Energy Dilemma [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: Energy Plus Software. Climatic Evaluation of Projects for Improvement of Rural Housing (Case study: Mountainous Areas of Tehran Province) [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Energy Saving. ​​​​​​​ Thermal Adaption according to Real Votes in Indigenous Housing of Kish Island [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: Energy consumption Optimization A Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of different kinds of current Cooling Systems in Rural Residential Buildings Case Study: Khoor, Khorasan, Iran [Volume 31, Number 139]
:: Environment Analysis of the concept of “Typology” in vernacular architecture to categorize rural housing types in Iran [Volume 34, Number 150]
:: Environment, Space, Rural Development, Production of Space, Rural- Environment, Space and Development [Volume 29, Number 131]
:: Environment. The role of Vernacular Materials in Sustainable Architecture: An Environmental viewpoint [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: Environmental Action Various Rural Groups and Environmental Protection [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: Environmental Quality. An Ethnographic Interpretation of the Hidden Thermal Pleasure in the Architectural Tradition of Desert Climate [Volume 40, Number 175]
:: Environmental component Spatial planning to improve the quality of interspaces based on the results of residents' satisfaction evaluation; Case study: Imam Reza (AS) Mehr housing complex in Sadra city [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Environmental humidity conditions. The in fluence of palm fibres and lime as natural stabilizer on the mechanical properties of adobe, (in environmental condition contain 35% of humidity) [Volume 31, Number 138]
:: Environmental problems, Land use change, Physical development, immigration, participation. Review on Rural Environmental Problems in Iran and Solutions in Resolving These Problems [Volume 30, Number 133]
:: Eshtivan. The role of social capital in rural development based on the empowerment of local communities; Case study: Eshtivan Village, Bakharz County, Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: Eslam Abade Koshtargah Comparative Analysis of Housing Indicators in Informal Settlements (Case Study: Eslam Abade Koshtargah of Urmia) [Volume 34, Number 149]
:: Estalakhkoh Establishing the Pre-requisites of Post-disaster Reconstruction in Rural Settlements (Case study: Estalakh-kouhVillage) [Volume 34, Number 151]
:: Ethyl silicate (ES). Consolidation of Rock in Rocky Architecture of Kandovan Village [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: Evaluating. Evaluating the Factors Contributing to the Quality of Communal Open Space in Rural Settlements: A Case Study on Abbas Abad Village in Shahrud Town [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: Evaluation, Housing, Macro Policies, Pre and Post Islamic Revolution of Iran. Evaluation of Housing Macro Polices in Pre [Volume 29, Number 132]
:: Expert Choice Software Factors affecting the implementation of proposed Land-use in Rural Guide Plans of Iran [Volume 33, Number 147]
:: Factor Analysis. Identification and Analysis of Factors Improving Social Life in Urban Public Spaces with Focus on Enclosure and Sociability [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Fars Province Identifying and Analyzing the Influential Factors on Demand for Rural Housing Credits with Focus on Physio-Spatial Factors Case Study: The Settlements of Varavi District, Mohr County [Volume 33, Number 147]
:: Fault Damage Zone. Analysis of Location of Villages in Relation to Rupture Zone (Case Study: North Qazvin Fault) [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Façade. Typology of Loft Badgirs’ (wind towers) Based on Façade Ornaments [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Fog collection device Sustainability of rural settlements with the approach of using water extraction from air humidity (fog) (Case study: Aminabad village of Firuzkuh) [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: F’ANP model. Analysis and Evaluation of Rural Housing Features Based on 2013 Sampling [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: Gazarkhan Village Analyzing the Negative Impacts of Tourism Development in Rural Areas of Qazvin Province (Case study: Gazarkhan Village) [Volume 31, Number 137]
:: Geomorphology limitations. Neighbourhood rights in the context of the geomorphological limitations of rural settlements (Case study: Oraman Takht village) [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: Ghayenat County The Researching Anatomical and Functional Vicissitudes of Rural Housing (Case: Area Shaskooh-Ghayenat County) [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: Gilan Application of Biogas Technology in the Villages of Iran: An estimation of its potential to supply the household energy demand of Galesh-kolam village in Gilan [Volume 33, Number 145]
:: Gilan province\'s architecture An Investigation of the Effect of Social and Cultural Factors on the skeletal Texture of Gilan Province's Villages [Volume 33, Number 148]
:: Globalization Continuing Rural Housing Architecture, with the goal of Rural Sustainable Development [Volume 31, Number 138]
:: Golestan Province. Analysis and the Measurement of the Impact of Resettlement on Livability of Rural Communities (Case Study: Flood-Stricken Villages of East Golestan Province) [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: Golestan. Watershed management and gully erosion control are an approach for sustainable rural development; a case study of Qarnaq village in Golestan province [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: Grounded Theory Providing a model of optimal urban land management with emphasis on the integration of neighboring villages in Iranian cities [Volume 43, Number 186]
:: Guide-plan, Process, Producers, Rules, and Solutions A Critical View to the Process of Rural Guide-plan Provision [Volume 28, Number 127]
:: Guilan houses Exploring the Patterns of In-Between Spaces in Guilan Historical Houses [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: Hamedan. Presenting a Flood Hazard Assessment Model in Hamedan Province to Classify Vulnerability and Possible Consequences in Population Centers [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: Hamon Comparative assessment of the indigenous-local models of rural housing against sandstorms: The case study of Tembaka and Dehkol villages in Hamoun County [Volume 41, Number 179]
:: Hard Science Statistical Toxification (Sta-toxification) A Critique of Quantity-based Enchantment in Research [Volume 33, Number 145]
:: Harsin Atalysis of Relationship between URBAN and Village in Homeh District Villages Development in Harsin County [Volume 32, Number 143]
:: Hasan Abad Bazaar. Integrated Analysis of Physical Resilience in the Historical Area of Hasan Abad Bazaar in Isfahan against Earthquakes [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: Hawraman Presenting the distribution pattern of rural settlements in forest areas; Case study: Hawraman World Heritage [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: Hawraman Takht. Investigating the Effect of the Physical Patterns of the Establishment Systems on the Comunity Spaces in Hawraman Architecture [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: Heiran village Comparative Analysis Factors Influencing the Tourism Secondary Homes in the light of the Local Community and the Tourists (Case Study of Heiran Village in Astara County) [Volume 39, Number 169]
:: Hierarchical analysis Understanding Residential Adaptation Mechanisms During Pandemic Home confinement [Volume 43, Number 186]
:: Historical Fabrics The Factors and Basis of Continuity and Interruption in Iran's Bio-social Zones [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Homs. Climate-Responsive Architecture for the Residential Houses of Homs: A Comparison of Traditional and Contemporary Houses [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Hot Arid Zone. Examining "Chahar Soffeh" in the Spatial Structure of Iranian Residential Architecture in Hot and Arid Areas [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: House, Health, Healthy House, The built environment What is Healthy House? [Volume 30, Number 133]
:: Housing Post-Pandemic Housing Architecture: Lessons from Covid-19 [Volume 40, Number 176]
:: Housing Foundation of Islamic Revolution Evaluation of Government Performance on Rural Housing Based on the 4th and 5th Development Plan Using Balanced Scorecard Model (Case Study: Villages in Isfahan Province) [Volume 33, Number 145]
:: Housing, social indicators, quantitative and qualitative Study the situation of housing social indicators in rural areas of Ahvaz County [Volume 29, Number 129]
:: Housing, social variables, quality variable, human development index (HDI), provinces. The Role of Housing Social Indicators in the Country Provinces, by Using Compound Human Development Index Method [Volume 28, Number 127]
:: Housing. Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Buildings Using Ecological Footprint Approach [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: Human Capital Investigating the Dimensions of local resilience in the face of drought; Case study: Qaleganj City, Kerman Province [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Ilam City Investigating the Sense of Dependency to the Place of Living Based On Gender Differences (Case Study: Ilam City) [Volume 33, Number 148]
:: Ilam Province. Assessing Life Quality in Relocation Villages of Ilam Province (Case Study: Eslamiyeh, Andishe, Farrokh Abad, LareiniOlya, and LareiniSofla) [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: Ilam province. Evaluation of Nomads’ Settlement Plans with focus on Settled Attitudes C.S: Talkhab Site (Ilam Province) [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: Ilam. Investigating and identifying the granary architecture in the living of Zagros Semi Nomadic people in Ilam Province [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: Imagination. Phenomenological analysis of symbolism and aesthetic aspects of architectural art of Qashqai nomads [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: Imamzadeh Ibrahim The Effect of Harmony between Form and Structure on Seismic Resistance in Houses of Imamzadeh Ibrahim Village [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: Indigenous Indigenous-based architecture using cognitive layer models in parametric design [Volume 32, Number 144]
:: Indigenous Urban Planning and Design. An Explanation of Principles and Rules of Indigenous Urban Planning in Relation with Contemporary Urban Planning Theories [Volume 30, Number 135]
:: Informal settlement, formation causes, Sohrabiye, Karaj‌, i‌mmigration The Process of Formation and Expansion of Informal Settlements [Volume 30, Number 133]
:: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), rural, SWOT, Khuzestan province, Iran Comparative study of Rural Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Iran (Case study: villages of Khuzestan province) [Volume 30, Number 133]
:: Integration of SWOT and AHP techniques3 Assessing the feasibility of a diplomatic district to reduce urban congestion in Tehran [Volume 43, Number 187]
:: Iran The impact of Modernity on Physical and Spatial Transformation of Rural Settlements in Iran [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: Iran A comparative study of the spatial pattern in rural settlements; The case study of Shalheh-ye Emam Hasan of Abadan and Hadbeh khanafereh of Shadegan [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: Iran Comparative Analysis of Attitudes of rural communities about the physical effects of Second Homes Tourism in the rural area. (Case Study: Babol District in North of IranAbstract) [Volume 31, Number 140]
:: Iran Rural housing poverty and its overcoming priorities in Iran [Volume 31, Number 140]
:: Iran's Eastern Zone. Performance Analysis of Physical Elements in Windmill of Sistan Plains;Case Study: Windmill No.2 in Machi "Ghale'eh Cheh Reeis" [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Iran-Iraq War. Evaluation of Satisfaction with Post-War Reconstruction in light of the Sense of Belonging in the Survivors, A Case Study: Rafi, Khuzestan province [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Isfahan Effect of Additives on Mechanical Strengths of Adobe Made From Soils of Isfahan [Volume 34, Number 151]
:: Jabal District The Role of Industrial Zones in Rural Development (Case study: Kuhpaye Industrial Zone, Isfahan County) [Volume 33, Number 148]
:: K.Boyer Ahmad province. Study the Indexes of Quality of Life in Rural Settlements [Volume 30, Number 136]
:: Kahak district The notion of livability: a new approach in improvement of quality of life in rural communities- Case study: Qom County, Kahak District [Volume 33, Number 146]
:: Kandovan historical village. Optimization of Traditional Lime-based Mortars for Cement Replacement Toward Consistent Conservation of Rocky Architecture of the Kandovan Historical Village [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: Kandovan, Shore, Rock Architecture, Gorme Compatible Architecture Survey with Kandovan Village Climate [Volume 29, Number 129]
:: Kanzag village. Measure the Sense of Place in a Displaced Village after Disaster (Case Study: Kanzag Village in Ardabil) [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Karaj Metropolitan. The Impact Analysis of Spatial Flows on Physio-Spatial Transformation of Peripheral Villages (Case Study: Peripheral Rural Settlements of Karaj Metropolitan, Tankanan Shomali District) [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Kashan. An analysis on the level of health in residential areas of Kashan [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: Kashan. Evaluation of Health Housing Characteristics in Kashan; Case study: Air Health [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Kermanshah City Identifying rhetorical aspects of architectural design process products; case study: apartment designs in Kermanshah city from buyers’ perspective [Volume 43, Number 187]
:: Kermanshah. Feasibility Study and selecting Villages for Constructing International Eco-camp; Case Study: Kermanshah Province [Volume 40, Number 175]
:: Khawmirabad Region. Measuring the Capacity Level of Villagers’ Development over the Integration of Villages (Case Study: Khavmirabad Region, Marivan County) [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: Khodabande County Analysis of Effective Drivers on the Implementation of Rural Development Plan and Progress of Rural System Using DPSIR Model; A Case Study: Rural System of Central and Dotapeh Districts in Khodabandeh County [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: Kish Islan. An Evaluation of The Thermal Comfort of Users in Hot and Humid Climates (Case study: Indigenous housing in Kish Island) [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: Kurdistan. Physical-Subjective Typology of Vernacular Housing in Western Kurdistan Based on the Procedural Typological Framework (the Muratorian School) [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: Laft port. Analysis of Louver Typologies in Vernacular Housing of Laft Port City [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: Lasagerd village. Evaluating Thermal comfort of an Adobe House in Lasgerj Village in Semnan Province [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: Lerini village. Analysis of Resettlement Consequences: An Ethnography in Lerini Olya and Lerini Sofla Villages [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: Life-world. Demonstration of phenomenological approach’s proportion, for vernacular ARCHITECTURE recognition (Case Study: Vernacular Housing in Manoojan Region of Kerman Province) [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: Light buildings - Wooden buildings - Retrofitting - Earthquake – Environment Structural Evaluation of Traditional Wooden Buildings Development and Analysis of Patterns with Environment and Earthquake Considerations [Volume 33, Number 147]
:: Literacy Level. The Effects of Location and Environmental Indicators on the Quality and Level of Education [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Loft village, regional architecture, texture characteristics, climatic situation, construction techniques. dentifying the characters of Gheshm rural architecture (With particular reference to Loft village) [Volume 29, Number 130]
:: Lorestan Province. Nomads’ Settlement: A perspective of settlers Talkhab settlement (Ilam Province) [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: Lorestan. Social Resilience in Reconstruction Process (Case Study: Darb-e-Astaneh and Baba Pashman Villages After the 1385 Lorestan, Silakhor Earthquake) [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: Lowshan city Investigating and measuring the social sustainability of urban housing in informal settlements (Case study: Lowshan city, Guilan province) [Volume 44, Number 189]
:: Mahoney Index The Quota Status Assessment and Determining Climatic Comfort Strategies in Vernacular Settlements In Villages Of Mahabad County (Using Mahani Technique) [Volume 44, Number 189]
:: Majmar Neighbourhood. Recognition of the Components of the “Living environment”; Majmar Neighbourhood in Isfahan Research Case Study Research [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: Malard County Investigating the factors affecting the optimal model of granting rural housing improvement credits; Case study: villages of Malard County [Volume 41, Number 178]
:: Mamsanni. The Impact of Rural Housing Reconstruction on the livelihood Economy of the Rural People [Volume 30, Number 135]
:: Marvdasht Evaluation of Spatial/Corporal Effects of Guide-Plan Implementation on Fathabad Village- Marvdasht Township [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: Mashhad Designing a model to determine the contribution of factors influencing the return of marginalized populations to rural areas; case study: Marginalized residents of Mashhad city [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: Mazandaran The role of water in rural housing in Mazandaran and the feasibility of physical regeneration of water resources management structures [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Mazandaran Province. Mitigation Guidelines for Reconstruction after the 2014 Tonekabon Snowstorm [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: Mazandaran. Assessing the Efficiency and Role of Eivan Based on Users’ Perception: A Semi-open Space in Rural Vernacular Houses of Mazandaran [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: Mazandaran. ​​​​​ Qualitative analysis of the challenges and solutions for ecotourism development during the COVID-19 era: A case study of villages in Mazandaran province [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: Mazar Village. Recognizing the Concept of Resilience in Integrated Rural Conservation and Development; Case Study: Mazar Historical Village (Khorasan Razavi) [Volume 40, Number 175]
:: Mehr Affordable Housing Complex Enhancing Social Vitality and Sense of Community in Public Spaces of Affordable Housing Complexes: A Case Study of Sadra New Town, Fars, Iran [Volume 44, Number 189]
:: Mehriz city. Evaluation of the Factors Affecting the Performance of Technical and Engineering Services of Islamic of Revolution Housing Foundation in rural (Case Study of Mehriz rural) [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: Metropolitan Area Application of Polycentric Urban Region concept in Iran’s Metropolitan Areas [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: Meybod Identification, Analysis and Typology of Multi-Function Towers (Borjhayeh Keshtkhani) of Meybod [Volume 33, Number 146]
:: Minoo Island Developing and prioritizing affordable ecological housing design policies; case study: Minoo Island [Volume 40, Number 176]
:: Minoodasht. An Evaluation of Rural Guide Plan’s Impact on Rural Settlements; Case Study: Chehel Chay Rural District In Golestan Province [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Mixed research method Reviewing the Concept of Territorial Cohesion and operationalizing it in Fars Province [Volume 44, Number 189]
:: Miyanband Village. House and Architecture Geographic Analyses in Miyanband Villages of Noor County [Volume 30, Number 135]
:: Mohammadieh of Nain. Physical Form Factor in Passive Defense; Case study: Mohammadieh Village in Nain, Iran [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Moving the village. Pathology of relocation of rural settlements with the approach of reducing the effects of natural hazards in new village sites [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Mud Brick Wall Reinforcement Approach in Experimental Investigations of Mud Brick Wall under Diagonal Tension [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: Mystery, simplicity, mud, architecture, village. The Mysteries of Rural Architecture [Volume 29, Number 131]
:: Naein. Analysis and Typological Study of Troglodytic Architecture in the City of Naein [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: Naghan. Effects of Landslides on the Safety of Roads and Rural Settlements in Iran and Stabilization Methods (Case Study of Naghan-Karoon 4 Road Landslides) [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: Nain Understanding the Impact of Qanats on Settlements in Central Iran (Case Study: Mohammadiyeh Village, Nain, Iran) [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: Nodeh village Evaluation of Rural Housing Rehabilitation Program loans Impact on the Rural Built environment: A SWOT Analysis of Nodeh Village, Bojnord, Iran [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: Non-Linear Behaviour. Optimum Shape, Failure Load and Buckling Load of Persian Historical Brick Masonry Domes [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: Opinion Survay A Survay on the Inhabitants View on the Relocation Plan of Islamieh Village [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: Oramanat. An Assessment of the Influence of Different Factors on the Rural Ecotourism Development (Case study: Oramanat tourist route) [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: Palangan village Evaluating the role of place brand on tourism development; case study: palangan historical-tourist village [Volume 43, Number 187]
:: Participation, Rural Planning, Participatory Planning, Bandar-e Loft Participatory Rural Planning Empirical Study on the Role of Villagers in Planning Rural Development [Volume 30, Number 134]
:: Perjikola and Bala lamouk villages. Rethinking the regulations and development patterns of villages connected to the city; approaches based on generic codes at macro level(Case study: Perjikola and Bala lamouk villages, Ghaemshahr city) [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: Persian Architecture An Introduction to Research on Rural Historical Gardens of Iran [Volume 34, Number 149]
:: Persian architecture, window, Rowzan, Panjereh, Persian house Persian culture The Origin of Window Architecture An Inquiry in the Concept of Window in Persian Language and Culture [Volume 30, Number 134]
:: Physical Resilience. Analyzing frameworks for designing socially acceptable and culturally aligned temporary shelters in earthquake-prone cold-arid-mountainous regions [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: Physical Structure Study of Yakhchals of Naeen with Analytical Viewpoint based on Elements of Vernacular Architecture [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Physical effects of guide plan - evaluation- Rasht- Khomam rural - guide plan Evaluation of the Physical Effects on the Implementation of Rural-Guide Plans Case Study: Khomam-Rasht [Volume 28, Number 127]
:: Physical variables Identification of Effective Variables on Sociability in Housing [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: Physical vulnerability- rural housing Finance- retrofitting- Earthquake disaster- Khodabande County The role of housing finance in reducing physical vulnerability of rural settlements Case study: Bezinehroud Rural District - Khodabandeh County (Zanjan Province) [Volume 33, Number 146]
:: Pigeon Tower Identifying Radiation Absorption and Creating Shadow on the Body of Pigeon Towers in the Villages of Isfahan and Tabriz [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: Piranshahr county Defense training of border villages with passive defense approach; case study: border villages of Piranshahr [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: Pishkamar The Quality of Life Assessment in Post Disaster (Flood) Rural Resettlement (case study: Resettlement villages in Pishkamar- Golestan province) [Volume 31, Number 137]
:: Pohl port Explaining the structure of windbreaks in creating natural ventilation in hot and humid climates; Case study: Pohl port-Hormozgan province [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: Post Disaster Accomodation Phenomenological Evaluation of Temporary Housing Conditions Based on the Survay Among the Female Population of Post-earthquake Chubanlar Sardarlu- Heris [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Bam Earthquake and Neighborhoods’ Residents’Understanding of Meaning of Disruption in Place Attachment [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: Problem Solving Problem Seeking and Problem Solving in Rural Design Process [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: Production Spaces. Analysis of production spaces in historical houses in Najafabad [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: Public art. Feasibility study about public art potentials as development stimulus in Renewal of worn-out Textures (Case Study: neighborhood of Mazandaran Crossroad in Semnan province) [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: Qajar and Pahlavi periods. The Study of Spatial Evolution in the Traditional Houses of Iran with Emphasis on the Aspects of Physical and Spatial Relationship using the Space Syntax (Case study: Qajar and Pahlavi houses in Tabriz) [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: Qajar period. The Typology of Historic Houses of the Qajar Period in Naraq [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: Qale Bala village Investigation of the Components of Indigenous Architecture in Rural Settlements (Case Study: Qale Bala Village of Shahrood) [Volume 44, Number 189]
:: Qaleh Ganj Identifying factors influencing the structural framework and spatial organization of hut housing in Bongroo village (Ghaleh Ganj, Kerman) [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: Qehi village. The Residents' Experiences of Physical Integration in Settlement Developments: A Case Study of Historical Village of Qahi [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: Rabe Rashidi Deliberating on Khaje Rashidedin Fazl Allah planning Case study: A review of the Initial creation of Fath Abad village in Tabriz [Volume 31, Number 140]
:: Rashtkhar County. Evaluating the role of rural leader plan in the quality of life Villagers; Case Study: Rashtkhar Distric [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: Ravansar County An Analysis of the Villagers’ Satisfaction of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Ravansar County) [Volume 34, Number 149]
:: Ravansar Town Spatial Distribution of Life Quality in Rural Settlements of Ravansar Town [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: Razavi Khorasan Concepts in Architectural Patterns of Rural Housing (Case Study: the Villages of Ra`zavi Khorasan) [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: Reconstruction Revitalization of Collective Memory in reconstruction after Natural Disasters and…Relying upon Identity of Place [Volume 33, Number 145]
:: Relocation Investigation of Alishahi Village Reconstruction's consequences after 2010 Fars Earthquake [Volume 34, Number 151]
:: Relocation after disasters. An Analytical Approach to the Landscape of the Nayband Village in South Khorasan Province after Reconstruction [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: Renewable energy sources. Assessing the Mitigation of Environmental Impacts of Using Renewable Resources in Rural Areas (Case Study: Nejobaran Village-Kermanshah- Iran) [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: Residential Architecture . Investigation and Analysis of Historical Texture of Khavidak Village based on Chronology of Historical Period [Volume 39, Number 169]
:: Residential Development A Study on the Modernity of Rural Residential Architecture in Fars Province [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: Residential settlement Asbad. The interaction of the architecture of Asbad of Varmal settlement with the characteristics of the natural environment in terms of orientation with the 120-day winds of Sistan [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Resilience An Analysis of Earthquake Preparedness in Tehran with Emphasis on the Resilience Theory (Case Study of Tehran District 4) [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: Riab. Evaluation of Rural Housing Structural Transformations Based on the Rural Livelihood; Case Study : Riab Village in Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Risk Reduction Investigation of Effective Factors to Reduce Natural Disaster Risks through Public Participation [Volume 30, Number 135]
:: Rock Architecture A Research on the Architecture of the Jame Man-Made Mosque in Ansarood Village, Oskou, East Azerbaijan, Iran [Volume 43, Number 186]
:: Roof shape Evaluating appropriate roof shape and efficiency of wind tower and wind scoop for natural ventilation in residential buildings of Chabahar [Volume 33, Number 148]
:: Roshtkhar District. Analysis of Local Community Perception of Physical-Spatial Reconstruction of Hadi Project Implementation in Roshtkhar District [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: Rural Architectural, rehabilitation, Authentic Fabric, Spatial development. Rehabilitation of the Valuable Rural Texture [Volume 29, Number 131]
:: Rural Areas of Ilam Province. Analysis of Rural Housing Indices in Ilam Province and Their Ranking by Using Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis [Volume 32, Number 143]
:: Rural Development Planning An Analysis of Effective Factors in Perceived Sustainability of Housing in Rural Fabric (Case Study: Malavi Rural Area, Poldokhtar Township, Iran) [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: Rural Development. Investigating the Lifestyle Quality in Darbastaneh and Baba-Pashman Villages in the Lorestan Province [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: Rural Guide Plan - quality of life - Corani Rural District The effects of Guide Plan on the Improvement of Life Quality in Rural Areas (Case Study: Corani Rural District - Bijar County) [Volume 31, Number 139]
:: Rural Housing Developing an architectural pattern for rural housing based on a participatory approach [Volume 33, Number 146]
:: Rural Housing Energy Efficiency in Vernacular Housing in Villages of Semnan Province [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: Rural Housing Design Aspects Affecting Rural Housing Design [Volume 33, Number 148]
:: Rural Housing. Investigating the Function of One-Way Windcatcher in the Natural Ventilation of Rural Housing in Yazd Province; Case Study: Bondorabad Village, Ashkazar City [Volume 43, Number 186]
:: Rural Landscape Exploring the Role of Place Attachment in Increasing Residents' Satisfaction for Enhancing the Rural Landscape; Case Study: Masuleh [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: Rural Master Plans Obstacles to the Community Participation in Rural Master Plans in Hamedan County [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: Rural Participatory Management Pathology of rural management from the perspective of people in the villages of the central district of Ardabil province [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: Rural Space and Settlement The Criteria for Evaluating the Quality of Rural Spaces and Settlements [Volume 31, Number 139]
:: Rural design, participation, rehabilitation, vernacular knowledge Rural Design, Particpantion and Sustainable Development [Volume 29, Number 132]
:: Rural housing, national building code, energy efficiency, improvement, facilitate. Rural Housing and Energy Efficiency Codes [Volume 29, Number 131]
:: Rural-town of Aslanduz Evaluation the quality of living environment in rural-towns according to residents view based on viewpoint of fuzzy logic (Case study: rural-town of Aslanduz) [Volume 32, Number 144]
:: Rural-town of Aslanduz Evaluation the Quality of Living Environment in Rural-towns According to Residents View Based on Fuzzy Logic (Case Study: Rural-town of Aslanduz) [Volume 33, Number 147]
:: SWOT model Earthen Strategies for organizing the central part of Qazvin city with a sustainable urban regeneration approach [Volume 41, Number 179]
:: Sadra settlement Explanation Of Public Art Indicators In Managing The Space Between High-rise Buildings To Improve Vitality; Case Study: Sadra Town, Shiraz [Volume 43, Number 186]
:: Sand storms. Investigation Rural Vernacular Pattern, on the Contrary windy sands, Case Study: Tambaka village of Zabol [Volume 30, Number 136]
:: Sangan, context, housing, Structure of development (physical development) The Process of Formation of the Structure of the Sangan Village (Tehran County) [Volume 30, Number 134]
:: Sar Aghasid Analysis of the form and spatial system of the pattern of native houses in the steppe village Sar Aghasid in Charmahal and Bakhtiari province [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: Sar Aqa Seyyed village Explaining the role of the event patterns derived from natural and cultural factors in shaping the spatial patterns of vernacular architecture; Case study: Sar Agha Seyyed village [Volume 41, Number 177]
:: Sarbisheh. An Analytical Study On Rural Settlements Spatial Distribution Using GIS With Emphasis On Environmental Factors And Through )A Case Study On Doroh Rural District, Sarbisheh Township( [Volume 34, Number 150]
:: Sari. Requirements for the Design and Implementation of Post-Earthquake Permanent Housing (Case Study of Sari District Three) [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: Sarin Dizaj village Identifying and Analyzing the Effects of Implementing the Rural Guide Plan in the Rural Regions of the Osko County (Case study: Sarin Dizaj Village) [Volume 32, Number 144]
:: Sarjam Village The Study of Impact of Government Facilities on Reinforcement and Architecture of Rural Housing (Case study: Mashhad County, Sarjam Village) [Volume 34, Number 149]
:: Sarpol-e Zahab. PVC Temporary Shelters [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: Seismic consolidation. Seismic Consolidation of Rural Adobe Building (Case Study: Tabas Isfahak Historical Village) [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Semnan province. Rural Mmanagement, Empowerment of Local Stakeholders and Physical Transformation of Rural Settlements(Case Study: Semnan Province) [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: Sense of Place - Jamaran Cultural Tourist Zone - ISM-MICMAC-TOPSIS Analysis. Prioritization of Attention to the Factors of Sense of Place in Jamaran Cultural Tourist Zone applying the ISM-MICMAC-TOPSIS Model [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: Seraj-Mahaleh. Explaining of the roll of the guiding principles in design problem understanding by vernacular architecture (Case study: Seraj-Mahaleh village) [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: Shaft Residents’ satisfaction with the quality of new housing construction in rural areas (The case of Shaft Region, Iran) [Volume 34, Number 151]
:: Shahkooh Sofla Village Analysis of Environmental Impacts on Rural Physical Development (Case Study: Shahkooh sofla) [Volume 33, Number 148]
:: Shahkooh Sofla. Network Analysis of Rural Participation in Rural Historical Projects : A Case Study of Shahkooh Solfa, Gorgan [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: Shamshir district. Factors Affecting Vernacular Architecture in Nosmeh Village (Paveh County) [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: Sharveineh village. Modeling Sustainable Environmental Development Using Grounded Theory (Case - study: Sharveineh Village, Javanroud Township) [Volume 30, Number 136]
:: Shekam Darideh. Spatial Affordance in Domestic Persian Architecture; Case Study: Shekam Darideh Room, Lariha's Residence, Yazd [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Shiraz Formation, strengthening and Memory Stability in Urban Spaces, Case-based example of Shiraz Chamran Street [Volume 32, Number 141]
:: Shiraz Recognizing the effective components of biophilic architecture to reduce the stress of housewives in residential complexes Case study: (Shiraz city) [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: Shiraz Evaluation of the effects of components improving the functional efficiency of space on improving people’s satisfaction; case study: houses of the first Pahlavi period of Shiraz [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: Shiraz city. Investigating and analyzing the state of urban resilience against flood risks (case study of district 3 of Shiraz city) [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: Shiraz. Investigating the functional efficiency in the architecture of houses in the First Pahlavi period of Iran based on syntactic indicators of space in fuzzy logic; case study: Shiraz City [Volume 41, Number 177]
:: Shiyadeh Village Objectives, elements and necessities of Rural tourism planning with emphasis on eco-tourism (Case study: shiadeh village, Babol, Iran) [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: Short-Term Residential Apartment. Application of Environmental Affordance theory for Residents' Solitude Selection in Contemporary Housing: Case Study of Short-Term Residential Apartments in Tehran City [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: Sistan A Numerical and Analytic Study of the Humidity Impact of Kharkhona on Vernacular Sistan Housing [Volume 39, Number 169]
:: Sistan A Typology of Sistan's Vernacular Housing in Terms of Open and Closed Space Formation [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: Sistan. Factors Affecting the Expression of Aesthetic Sense of Rural Settlements in Sistan Region [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: Site analysing, natural elements, physical conditions, social and cultural factors. Site Analysing [Volume 29, Number 132]
:: Smart Material and Architecture, Innovative Materials, Innovative Technology Smart Material and its Role in Architecture [Volume 28, Number 127]
:: Social Unity Decoding Turkmen Homes: Development of an Inventory for Measuring Meaning Organization [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: Social Unity Examining the Application of Decorations in the Public Arena of Historical Settlements (Case Study: [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: Social resilience indicators. Assessing the Level of Social Resilience in District 9 of Tehran Metropolis [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: Socio-cultural Dimension Formal Classification & Spatial Configuration in Vernacular Housing: A Comparative Study on the Zoning of the Reception Area in Traditional Houses of Kerman Province [Volume 31, Number 138]
:: SoltanAli. Assessing the Impact of Rural Housing Upgrading Program on Vernacular Rural Housing (Case Study: SoltanAli District in Gonbad Kavus) [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: Sombol Abad Rural District The role of capacity building in the management of earthquake risk reduction in rural areas Case study: Rural District of Sombol Abad, Abhar County [Volume 33, Number 145]
:: Sorkhay House Documenting Rural Architectural Heritage Using Close-Range Photogrammetry (Case Study: Sorkhay House Entrance, Ushtabin Village, East Azerbaijan) [Volume 40, Number 175]
:: South Khorasan Province The Strategic Programming of Economic Sectors in Regional Development Through SWOT Analysis (Case study on industry & mining in South Khorasan province) [Volume 34, Number 150]
:: Space Syntax. The functional performance of the contemporary housing system based on the typology of organizing the interior space; a case study: residential complexes in the city of Shiraz [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: Space quality The Role of Vernacular Technologies in the Quality of Residential Spaces [Volume 32, Number 141]
:: Spacial Configuration The Space Syntax Analytical Approach in Understanding the Configuration of Qeshm Vernacular Housing (Case Sudy: Laft Village) [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: Special Housing Improvement Plan. Explaining the Impact of Government Policies on Economic, Social and Physical Changes in Rural Housing Using Importance-Performance Technique (IPA), Case Study: Rural Villages of Kurdistan Province [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: Speed Modular Approach and Prefabrication in Flexible Housing [Volume 32, Number 143]
:: Stone Architecture. An Approach to the Conservation of Cultural Landscape in Historical Village of Davan [Volume 38, Number 168]
:: Structural Equation Modeling Determining the Motivating Factors of Place Sense in Rural Society Using Structural Equation Modeling (Case Study: Rural Zone of East Azerbaijan Province) [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: Structural Equation Modeling Explain of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) at Norms of Rural Housing Establishment [Volume 38, Number 168]
:: Structural Equation Modeling. Rural Poverty Model and its Implications for Environmental Instability; Case Study: Charmahal-Bakhtiari Province [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: Structural performance Physical and Structural Typology of Public Utility Constructions in Rural Isfahan (Case study: Rural Dovecote) [Volume 31, Number 137]
:: Sustainable, Traditional Architecture of Iran, Home, Built Environment, Climate Sustainable Development and it’s Concept in Housing Architecture of Iran [Volume 29, Number 130]
:: Systan and Baluchistan province Study of Education and Extension Methods of Indigenous Knowledge of Rural Architecture (Case Study: Systan and Balouchestan Province) [Volume 30, Number 136]
:: T, ourismTechnology, Economic, Employment, Rural, Iran. Deployment of Handcraft Industries and Average Technology in Rural Areas of Iran for expansion of Tourism and Sustainable Rural Employment [Volume 29, Number 131]
:: Tabriz The Study of Models and Physical Typology of Porch in Historical Houses; Case Study: Houses of Qajar and Pahlavi Eras in Tabriz [Volume 41, Number 177]
:: Taft County The Alteration in Land Allocation against Rural Guide Plans in Taft County (2010-2013) [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: Talar An Analysis on the Orientation, Position and Dimensions of Wind-catchers in Vernacular Houses of Yazd [Volume 35, Number 153]
:: Tazareh village in Damghan. Achieving the Rural Housing Design Model; Case study: Tazareh Village in Damghan [Volume 40, Number 175]
:: Tehran Evaluation of thermal comfort discrepancies and occupant behavior adaptations in housing of Tehran [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: Tehran Agritourism as a Tool for Regeneration of Sustainable Rural Communities: The Case of Golzar Village near Tehran, Iran [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: Tehran Metropolis Analyzing Relationship between Urban Form and Disaster Resilience at Tehran Metropolis Neighborhoods [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: Tehran Metropolitan Area Investigating the effect of physical qualities on people's sense of attachment to a place in residential spaces; Case study: lakanshahr residential complex, Rasht [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: Tehran Metropolitan Area Analysis of the spatial pattern of the rural settlements vulnerability to earthquakes (case study: rural settlements in the Tehran metropolitan area) [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: Tehran city Evaluation of the impact of common methods of implementing building facades in residential buildings in Tehran on energy consumption [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: Tehran metropolis Analysis of effective factors on integrated local management in peripheral rural settlements of Tehran metropolitan [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Tehran. Applying Ecotourism Rural Model for the Regeneration of Targeted Ecotourism Rural Areas (Case Study: The Village of Verdij, Tehran, Iran) [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: Temperate and humid climate. Effect of Dry Wall Coating on Energy Consumption in Buildings Humid and Temperate Climate [Volume 38, Number 168]
:: The South of Khorasan Recognition of Vernacular Architectural Practices in the South of Khorasan, an Approach for Conservation and Restoration of Earthen architecture [Volume 32, Number 142]
:: The country/ village, passive defense, threats, pilot project, crisis, sustainability, rural dwellings. Passive defense measures to be considered in Rural Dwellings [Volume 29, Number 130]
:: The village of Afjeh Tourism Strategic Planning in Areas of Central Alborz [Volume 30, Number 136]
:: The world bank publications.(http//www.fmreview.org/FMRpdfs/FMR12/fmr12.5.pdf) Evaluation of effective factors in the failure of combining plans in rural regions (Case study: Sharm town, Kermanshah province) [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: Topography.raphy Redefinition of Necessities, Applications and Typologies of Underground Spaces in Approaching Iranian Experiences [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Torkman County The Relation between Ethnic - Cultural Characteristics and Subjective Indicators of Quality of Life Case Study: South Jabarby Rural District, Torkman County [Volume 33, Number 146]
:: Tourism, Rural Tourism,development, Rural development, Fahlyan. "Rural Tourist" as a Constructive Method for Rural Development,A case Study: Fahlyan village [Volume 29, Number 131]
:: Tourism-target Village - Agroturism - SWOT Model - Sustainable Rural Development - Village of Garmeh Strategies for the Implementation of Agrotourism using SWOT Model in the Village of Garmeh [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Transfer of Mehr Housing. Causes and influencing factors in the displacement of the original residents of Mehr residential complexes in Ardabil and Qom cities [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Transparency Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Governance Formation for Implementing the Law on Organizing and Supporting the Construction and Supply of Housing [Volume 40, Number 175]
:: Tuyserkan. Spatial Analysis of Factors Affecting the Village Manager's (Dehyar's) on Rural Construction (Case Study: Tuyserkan Couny) [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: Typology Typology of Tarmeh in the Historic city of Bushehr [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: Typology. Classification and Analysis of Troglodytic Architecture, Man-made Cave, in the county of Maragheh [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: Urban Good Governance. Measurement the Level of Citizen Participation in Urban Management Based on Urban Good Governance: A Case Study for Yasouj [Volume 32, Number 141]
:: Urban Planning Regulations Analysis of factors and consequences of Unauthorized Construction in Tehran Province and the solutions to deal with [Volume 31, Number 140]
:: Urban Solar Access, Climate Change, Passive Solar Architecture in the Age of Climate Change [Volume 29, Number 129]
:: Urban Village Model, Rural Settlements, Miyanlat Village in the Safarud Region Urban-Village Model: An Efficient Approach to Achieve Sustainable Rural Settlements [Volume 30, Number 134]
:: Urban-Rural Rehabilitation The Assessment of Physical Degradation Through the Integration of TOPSIS and AHP Models in the Urban-Rural Zones (Case Study: Maraveh Tappe City) [Volume 34, Number 151]
:: Urbanization. An Analysis of Emergent Urban‌-Village Approaches [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: Urmia. Analysis of the Architectural Structure of Historical and Traditional Houses in Sopurghan Village of Urmia City [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: User A Research on Limitations of Flexibility in Iranian Contemporary Housing [Volume 34, Number 150]
:: VIKOR Modeling Spatial Analysis of Rural Architecture Structure in Passive Defense by VIKOR Modeling; Case study: Yaseh Chai Village [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: Value Added Model. The Evaluating of Geo-tourism Capabilities of Existing Geosites in the Kandovan Village [Volume 32, Number 141]
:: Varamin city Urban Resilience with Emphasis on Climatic Aspects in the City of Varamin [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: Veiling, Architecture, Courtyard, Forecourt, Human Geography, Urbanization, Native Architecture, Pavilion, Paradise. Veiling and Camouflage on Iranian – Islamic Urbanization (Case Study: Ancient Texture of Shiraz City) [Volume 29, Number 130]
:: Ventilation Solutions for reviving the wind catchers of Aqda village [Volume 31, Number 140]
:: Vernacular Architecture. A Study and Analysis of Troglodytic Architecture in Iran [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: Vernacular Culture Cultural Approach in Development and Conservation of Valued Context in Rural Setting [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: Vernacular structure Rural Housing Typology of Boroujerd County Based on Structural-Physical Vernacular Patterns (Case Study: Kuschki-e-sofla Village) [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: Vietnamese resistance Documentation of the Underground Cu Chi Tunnels, as Rural Vietnamese Resistant, from a Passive Defense Perspective [Volume 33, Number 147]
:: Village, Rural Migration, recession migration, Bandar Anzali Rural Migration and Hegemony of Recession FactorsCase Study: Bandar Anzali [Volume 30, Number 133]
:: Village, Social interaction, communal space, Center of district, Node. The Embody of Communal Space in Rural Settlement [Volume 29, Number 132]
:: Village, governmental organ, function, sustainable development, satisfaction, Bandar Anzali. Study Concerning the Views of Villagers on Performance of Rural Involved Organizations.(Case Study: Bandar Anzali Township) [Volume 28, Number 127]
:: Villagers of Gorgan. Spatial Evaluation of Economic and Social Factors Affecting Environmental Awareness of Around town Region, Gorgan [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: WLC Determining the optimal points for the construction of eco-tourism accommodation in the area of Namarstaq village using GIS [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: Warm and Semi Humid Climate Analysis of effective factors on integrated local management in peripheral rural settlements of Tehran metropolitan [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: Western Bahmaei Sarhaddi Rural district. Analyzing the Barriers to the Comprehensive Implementation of Rural Technical Program (Case Study: Western Bahmaei Sarhaddi Rural District- Kohgiluyeh) [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: Yaz Experimental Study of Mechanical Stabilization impact on Improving Compressive, Tensile and Flexural Strength of Adobe [Volume 38, Number 168]
:: Yazd Measuring the physical resilience of Rural-Urban contexts against earthquakes (Case study: Rural-Urban context of Akbarabad, Yazd) [Volume 44, Number 189]
:: Yazd Shafipour house. The Role of Decoration in the Quality of Yazd Residential Spaces "Case Study: Decoration of Yazd Shafipour House" [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: Yazd city. Measuring the Resilience of Gardens in Yazd [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: Zabol township Survey on management quality and risk level of rural solid wastes (Case study: Rural areas of Zabol township) [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: Zanjan City Annexation of Rural Settlements to Zanjan City Case study: Sayan and Gawazang Villages [Volume 33, Number 145]
:: Zanjan Province. Analysis of Economic Factors Affecting the Developments in Livelihood-based Housing in Rural Areas (Case study: Mojezat County, Zanjan Township) [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: Zanjan Province. An Analysis of the Effects of Housing Retrofitting Credits on the Productive Functions of Rural Housing (Case Study of Mojezat County, Zanjan Township) [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: Zanjan city Analysis of urban smart infrastructures using the urban living lab approach; case study: Zanjan city [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: Zanjiran The resettlement effects on quality of life in the villages damaged by natural hazards (Case Study: Zanjiran and Isar town in Fars province) [Volume 32, Number 144]
:: agrarian urbanism. Physical Development of Rural Settlements in Iran and Enhancing Sustainable Food Production [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: architectural design process Architectural Programming: The Process, the Product, and the Method of Data Collection [Volume 33, Number 146]
:: architectural solutions Architectural solutions to reduce the latent energy in the construction of the residential building in Bandar Abbas [Volume 40, Number 176]
:: architectureure A systematic review of scientific productions indexed in the Scopus database in post-disaster temporary housing with a focus on architecture [Volume 41, Number 179]
:: beach house The effect of proportional of closed to semi-open space in better use of climatic conditions in the houses of the coastal and foothill of east Gilan [Volume 41, Number 179]
:: behavior setting Lifestyle Scales in Dwelling [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: boundary home Post-Pandemic Home Architecture: The Concept of "Liminal space" as Residents’ Discovery for Adaptation to Home Confinement [Volume 44, Number 189]
:: business development Research on ecolodges in Iran; an analysis based on the paradigm funnel and systematic review [Volume 43, Number 187]
:: city, physical development, natural disasters, Maku, West Azerbaijan. Unsustainable Physical Development of Cities and Their Vulnerability to Natural Disasters Case study: City of Maku in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 28, Number 128]
:: climatic design. Comparison of Strategies to Prevent Energy Loss in Traditional Bathhouses in Kerman in the Field of Urban Planning [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: climatic factors. Analysis of The Components of Introversion in the Indigenous Architecture of Qaleno Village in Sistan [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: cluster analysis Analyzing the level of development in rural areas using Factor and cluster analysis, Case study: Kurdistan province [Volume 32, Number 144]
:: cluster analysis. ​​​​​​​ Identification and analysis of housing submarkets in Tehran metropolis [Volume 41, Number 179]
:: coastal villages of Bushehr. Rereading the features of vernacular architecture in the housing of coastal villages of Bushehr [Volume 40, Number 176]
:: collaborative methods. Investigating the Effective Indicators in Designing Community Rural Schools Using Collaborative Approaches (Case study: Zirkan village of Mashhad) [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: comparative study. A comparative Study of Sistani and Baloch Rural Native Habitations in Terms of the Skeletal Recognition : A Cultural Anthropology Approach [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: complex geometry Art of Engineering Inspired by Nature [Volume 32, Number 143]
:: conservation, Privacy, Heritage Places, Tourism industry. Protection and Revitalization of Valuable Rural Buildings and Texture considering Relationship between Heritage and Tourism Industry [Volume 29, Number 132]
:: contemporary religious places. A Study of Wood Structures in Iranian Rural Religious Places [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: content analysis. Designing and Implementing Child-Friendly Spaces after the 2003 Bam Earthquake [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: coordination. The Effect of Network Governance on the Elements of Crisis Management during Natural Disasters in Crisis-Related Organizations of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: credit for housing retrofitting Analysis of factors affecting patterns of Rural Housing Developments, with an Emphasis on Identity (Case Study: East Eghbal Rural District of Qazvin Province) [Volume 34, Number 149]
:: crisis management Investigating the effect of developing knowledge and technology to reduce earthquake risk on crisis management [Volume 43, Number 185]
:: crisis management Presenting a model of effective factors on the implementation of Iran's crisis management policies with an interpretive structural approach [Volume 41, Number 178]
:: cultural landscape. Cultural Landscape of Nayband Village [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: culture, Housing, life style, meaning and environment culture and housing [Volume 30, Number 134]
:: culture/nature Landscape Space: Integration of Culture and Nature [Volume 31, Number 138]
:: day-light Measuring the effect of architectural plan type and receiving natural light on residents’ sense of comfort in low-rise houses [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: development. Factors Affecting on Location and Formation of Historical-Religious Villages, Case Study: Kazaj and Kalur Villages in Khalkhal of Ardabil Province [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: dezful architecture. Geometric evaluation of the central courtyard and analyzing the structure of architectural spaces in hot and humid local climate [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: distribution pattern. Review and Study of Water Mills in Darreh Shahr City [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: district 10 of Tehran Analyzing the criteria in order to locate a temporary dwelling for a possible earthquake in an area of a metropolis (Study case: District 10 of Tehran) [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: dwelling, rural dwelling construing, coercion, coercion act, milieu coercion, Culture social insight. Evaluation of Different Perspectives on the Formation of Rural Housing [Volume 28, Number 127]
:: ecology. Exploring the typology of filled and empty spaces in the structure of vernacular houses of cold climate; the case study of Tabriz [Volume 41, Number 179]
:: economic impact Economic Impact Analysis and Assessment of Implementation of Master plan in Rural Settlements of Iran [Volume 30, Number 135]
:: elderly, Alzheimer, guidelines in the environment design Guidelines of the Environmental Design for the Elderly with Alzheimer Disease [Volume 28, Number 128]
:: emigration, village, city, youth. Analyzing the Effective factors in Emigration of Rural youth to urban areas” (Case Study: Sadegh Abad village in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province) [Volume 29, Number 132]
:: energy consumption Optimizing opening dimensions in rural houses in Gilan floodplains with the approach of reducing energy consumption; case study: Rodsar city [Volume 43, Number 187]
:: energy saving Feasibility Study of Concrete Recycling in Post-Disaster Reconstruction [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: ensemble learning. Flood risk zoning in Nowshahr city using machine learning models [Volume 40, Number 176]
:: entrepreneurship, technology, strategy, development, village. Entrepreneurship and Its Role in the Economic Development of Villages in Iran [Volume 28, Number 128]
:: environmental psychology A healing urban landscape; An analysis of the images and indicators in the city street; Case study: Paknejad Boulevard, Shahrak-e-Gharb neighborhood of Tehran [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: evolutionary housing Introducing a new model of evolutionary rural housing design based on the principles of indigenous architecture in the Oramanat region [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: five millennium district of central part of Behshahr County Structural-Functional Analysis of Rural Guide Plans in Improving the Quality of Villagers’ vitality in Panj Hezareh Rural Area located in central part of Behshahr County [Volume 39, Number 170]
:: forms of rural housings Solar Radiation Absorbed on the Neighborhood Scale regarding the Rural Fabric in Cold Climate Regions [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: fuzzy inference system Assessing the Vulnerability of Rural Settlements in Iran to Seismic Risk [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: guide plan Using the Adolescents' Participation in the Design Process of the Built Environment [Volume 34, Number 151]
:: historical city of Masouleh Studying and understanding the architectural ornamentations of residential buildings in the historical city of Masouleh [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: historical house Investigating gender components in Bandar Kong houses based on Isovist analysis [Volume 43, Number 188]
:: historical monuments The Role of Architectural Representation on the Formation of the Mental Image of Tourist Destination (Case Study: Traditional Dwellings in the Data Theory Method) [Volume 40, Number 173]
:: houses of Ahvaz Analyzing the Proportions of Spatial Geometry of Ahwaz Historic Houses [Volume 43, Number 186]
:: housing Challenges of Management System in Temporary Accommodation after Natural Disasters in Iran From Gilan-Zanjan Earthquake (1990) to Kermanshah Earthquake (2017) [Volume 39, Number 169]
:: housing, Islamic texts, religious identity, Meaning Residence Islamic Verses and Discourse [Volume 29, Number 129]
:: human scale. Spatial Quality in the Design of Small Habitat Texture: Rural Texture [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: immersion The Influence of Lime in Adobe Optimization Against Humidity [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: implementation. Investigating the role of architectural and urban planning rules and regulations in the process of designing "approved and executive" plans with emphasis on the views of architects; Case study: Architect designers working in the Qom Construction Engineering Organization [Volume 41, Number 177]
:: improvement housing The role of Housing improvement funds to improve the quality of life in rural areas, Case study: Zanjan Township [Volume 32, Number 141]
:: indigenous model Prioritization of Modern Construction Systems in the Post-earthquake Temporary Housing Based on Indigenous Conditions in Iran (Case Study of Markazi Province) [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: lifestyle Culture and House form (Case study: Traditional houses in Tonekabon and Ramsar) [Volume 32, Number 144]
:: livelihood-production approach. The Impact of Economic Change on Livelihood Spaces (Agriculture and Animal Husbandry); Qazvin Rural Housing [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: living methods Socio-cultural Characteristics of the Vernacular Houses [Volume 34, Number 149]
:: management, rural management, rural governance, participation, China. An Insight into China’s Rural Management with Governance Approach [Volume 29, Number 132]
:: marivan county. The Explanation of the Effects of the Implementation of Guiding Plan on the Physical Resilience of Rural Settlements of Marivan [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: meaning The Environmental Adaptation of Human Lifestyle [Volume 34, Number 152]
:: meaning. Re-conceptualizing Territory in Physical, Behavioral and Semantic Realms in Nomadic Architecture: A Case Study of Boyer Ahmadi Nomads [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: middle urban fabric of Kermanshah The relationship between inside and outside of the house according to the narrative of female residents; case study; houses in middle urban fabric of Kermanshah [Volume 43, Number 187]
:: mill architecture. Typology of Qanat Mills in the City of Naein [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: native structures. Typology of Architectural and Structural of Rural housing in Savadkuh City [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: natural environment. Rural Landscape and Features of Manipulation of Natural Environment [Volume 32, Number 143]
:: natural ventilation Examining the Impact of Natural Ventilation on Indoor Climate in Severe Heat Conditions of Mountainous Regions in Golestan Province [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: nature, sustainability, town-garden Abated Life in Sustainable Villages of Yazd [Volume 28, Number 128]
:: needs pyramid. Rethinking of the Ornament in rural house (Case study: Ovan village in Qazvin) [Volume 37, Number 162]
:: new housing. Territory in the Housing of Iranian Desert City: A Case Study of Territories in Three Housing Periods of Aqda [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: new urbanism, neighborhood planning, walkability, mixed use, public transportation. Suggestive principles of new urbanism in the inner-city planning [Volume 29, Number 130]
:: paradigm model Understanding the Meaning of “Sense of Place” in Post-Earthquake Reconstructions in Bam Residential Settlements Case Study: Narges Residential Complex)) [Volume 34, Number 149]
:: participatory design. Traditional Architects’ Accounts of the Processes of Rural and Country Housing Design and Construction (Case Study of Garmsar & Surrounding Townships) [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: pattern of relationships with the surroundings Patterns and physical principles of traditional houses in Kashan [Volume 40, Number 176]
:: perceptual qualities. Toward a Satisfaction Criteria of Physical Changes Magnitude in the Formerly Rural Neighborhoods by the Original Inhabitants [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: physical and functional changes in the yard. Physical and functional developments of the yard in rural housing; Case study: villages of Garmsar central plain [Volume 41, Number 178]
:: physical and mechanical parameters. The Effect of Sodium Silicate and Acrylic on Physical and Mechanical Parameters of Thatch Mortar [Volume 38, Number 168]
:: pleasure mountaineering, sport rural Tourism, Mazandaran ، GIS A GIS Study of the Possibilitles Of Recreation - Sport Mountaineering in Rural Tourism of the Province of Mazandaran [Volume 30, Number 133]
:: post-war sustainable housing reconstruction. Identifying influential factors in the sustainable reconstruction of residential complexes after war; cade study: Syria [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: preservation and Rural Architecture Heritage Preservation and Revival: Necessity and Revival Solutions [Volume 28, Number 127]
:: process; compilation; optimum; pattern; housing; village. Study of Rural Housing Architecture and Compilation of Optimum Pattern (Case Study: Agh Ghala city) [Volume 28, Number 127]
:: progressive housing. Assessment of Physical-Environmental Characteristics and Temporary Housing Policies in Iran from the Perspective of healing and Adaptation to the Consequences of disaster Trauma [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: qualitative aspects Improvement of home quality with Altruistic Element [Volume 31, Number 140]
:: rehabilitation. Evaluation of Resident’s Satisfaction in Post-Earthquake Rural Housing in Sarand [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: relevant organizations The Investigation and Explanation of the Strategic Position of Communication Management in Preservation of Villages’ Environment (Case study: Hamedan Province) [Volume 31, Number 140]
:: relocation Human Approach in Resettlement Planning in Regional Development Plans [Volume 30, Number 135]
:: relocation after disasters. Reconstruction Documentation: The City of Lar after the Earthquake 1960 [Volume 37, Number 161]
:: renewable energy Energy retrofitting and thermal comfort improvement of rural housing typologies in Iran [Volume 38, Number 167]
:: renewal in urban life, partnership, strategic planning, sustainability. A Phenomenological View of Renewal in Urban Life [Volume 28, Number 128]
:: residential space organization Residential Space Syntax for Better Family Members’ Interaction [Volume 35, Number 154]
:: rural The Review of Transformation in Cultural Landscape Based on Ecological, Socio-economic Approaches, the Case of Urban-rural Landscapes in European ::union:: [Volume 33, Number 147]
:: rural architecture Vernacular Criteria of Arrangement of the Site of Rural House of Guilan [Volume 38, Number 166]
:: rural development The Study of Rural Tourism in Khangha Village as Perceived by Rural Villagers: A Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 31, Number 137]
:: rural development The effects of rural housing loan on changes in rural life [Volume 31, Number 139]
:: rural development- South Khorasan rural settlements. The Impacts of Regeneration Programs in Valuable Rural Fabric on the Rural Settlements Development [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: rural houses of Sistan The comparative study of the geographical directions of rural housing and energy consumption in Sistan [Volume 31, Number 138]
:: rural housing The Necessity of Family-led Style of Architecture Training in Case of Rural Houses of Iran [Volume 32, Number 143]
:: rural housing policy The Evaluation of Rural Housing Policies in Development Plans After the Islamic Revolution of Iran [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: rural housing. The Impact of Changes in Rural Housing Patterns on the Functioning of Rural Women(Case Study Villages Lorestan Province) [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: rural housing. Investigating the influence of the climatic organ of Kolak on the natural ventilation of rural housing in Sistan and Baluchistan province (case Study: Qa`leh no village, Zabul county) [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: rural housing. Compatibility Indicators with Climate in Rural Housing of Gilan province [Volume 30, Number 135]
:: rural physical development, environment, land use Rural Physical Development and Environmental Conservation [Volume 28, Number 128]
:: rural property Social and economic consequences of document issuance project of places ownership in rural settlements [Volume 32, Number 142]
:: rural settlement in Iran. ​​​ Consequential evaluation of the rural guide plan in rural settlements of Iran based on the viewpoints of academic experts and executive bodies [Volume 41, Number 178]
:: rural settlement planning. ​​​​​​​ Risk analysis of landslides for identifying development constraints in the physical structure of rural settlements; case study: Savadkooh region, Mazandaran [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: rural settlements. Investigation of active tectonic evidence and characteristics of the Kushk fault zone and vulnerability of rural settlements, Qazvin province [Volume 41, Number 177]
:: rural texture. Evaluation of the Rural Texture on the Physical, Social Capital, and Entrepreneurial Actions Taken by Rogers's Sub-Culture with Comparative Approach [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: rural waste. Indigenous Energy production Based on Biomass in Rural Areas (Case Study: Tinouj Village, Qom, Iran) [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: rural, rural industries, rural economical, Iran The challenges in confrontation with rural industries development in Iran [Volume 29, Number 129]
:: sanctum The Role of “Jelo khan” in Residential Vernacular Architecture of Iran [Volume 32, Number 142]
:: shelter , housing ,residence ,house ,village ,architecture space Rural Housing Phenomenology [Volume 30, Number 133]
:: social communication Housing and Identity Study on the mechanisms of interaction between dweller’s identity and residential environment [Volume 32, Number 141]
:: social participation An Analysis of the Influential Factors on the Social Security feeling in Rural Areas with an Emphasis on Social Capital (Case Study: Marhamat Abad Myani Rural District of Myandoab County) [Volume 33, Number 148]
:: social participation Evaluating the function of rural governors (Dehyars) in rural development (Case study: Aivan Gharb, Illam) [Volume 34, Number 149]
:: social resilience. The Assessment of Factors Influential in the Social Resilienceof Rural Settelments in Disasters [Volume 36, Number 158]
:: soil brick reinforcement Construction of compressed bricks using carpet waste residues and their reinforcement with stabilizer [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: southeastern provinces of Iran Explaining the Effect of Crisis Management Characteristics on the Performance of Crisis Managers using the Structural Equation Modeling (Case Study: Southeastern Provinces of Iran) [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: space domain. Analyzing the Way of the Nomads’ Life and Its Effect on Their Habitat System along with the Migration Route and summer and Winter Camps Case study: Boyer-Ahmad Nomads [Volume 39, Number 169]
:: space syntax. A Space Syntax Analysis of Vernacular Dwelling Configuration (Case Study: Boshrooyeh City) [Volume 35, Number 156]
:: spatial dynamic panel Investigating the convergence of housing prices in Iranian cities (spatial dynamic panel approach) [Volume 41, Number 180]
:: structural equation modeling (SEM) Relationships Between Place Attachment and Satisfaction in the Natural and Historical Site of Kandovan Village [Volume 35, Number 155]
:: structural equations. Evaluation and Analysis of the Theoretical Principles of Desirable Housing According to the Opinions of the Citizens [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: structure-architecture interaction Typology of the "Internal Form-Structure" Drawing upon Argan's Formal Approach (Case Study: Historical Bridge-Caravanserai in Iran) [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: stylist architecture A Classification of Traditional Period Architecture an Introduction to the Order of Rural Architecture (According to explaining and criticizing Christian Norberg- Schulz’s thought) [Volume 32, Number 143]
:: suburban villages. Analysis of Socio-Economic Effects of Metropolises on Suburban Villages from the Perspective of Local Communities (Case study: Mehrabad village - Damavand city) [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: sustainability. Capacities, Barriers and Incentives for Developent of Renewable Energies in Iran’s Rural Areas [Volume 38, Number 165]
:: sustainable development, rural tourism, GIS, Using GIS in survival of rural life and realization of rural sustainable development Sample: rural tourism [Volume 29, Number 129]
:: sustainable development, urban hierarchical, ranking settlements, rural-city, North Khorasan Capability of Distribution of Population in RuralUrban Areas Case study: Northern Khorasan Province [Volume 28, Number 128]
:: sustainable development. Physical Development of Rural Settlements with Sustainable Development Approach (Concepts, theories, strategies) [Volume 31, Number 137]
:: systematic review Systematic review of research related to the process of transforming rural settlements into cities [Volume 42, Number 182]
:: tensile strength. The Effect of Curing Time on Compressive and Tensile Strength of Traditional Kahgel [Volume 36, Number 157]
:: the 2003 Bam earthquake. A review of Bam housing reconstruction after the 2003 Earthquake to identify the effective factors on the survivors’ psychological recovery, based on Q methodology [Volume 41, Number 177]
:: the city of Yazd Comparative analysis in privacy aspects between traditional and contemporary Iranian houses using BDSR analytical model [Volume 32, Number 142]
:: the physical- spatial change The Metropolitan Nexus and Physio-spatial Evolution of Peri-urban villages (Case study: rural district of Mohammadabad (karaj)) [Volume 34, Number 150]
:: tourism, rural tourism, village, rural development. Rural tourism and the need of special attention to be paid in rural development programs [Volume 29, Number 129]
:: township of Zanjan. Analysis of Economic Indicators Affecting Function Transformation of Rural Housing (Case Study: GhaniBeigloo County, Zanjan Township) [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: traditional adobe texture.ares. Improving the performance of adobe paving of sidewalks and rural passages using additives [Volume 41, Number 179]
:: traditional architects Analysis of Traditional Architects' Mastery in Technology and Final Form of Persian Lilipoush vaults [Volume 39, Number 171]
:: traditional houses. The Importance of Mahramiat in the Traditional Houses of Iran based on the Islamic Teachings regarding Territory and Privacy [Volume 39, Number 172]
:: urban areas of Khorramabad. Analysis and review of housing patterns; Case study: Khorramabad city [Volume 42, Number 181]
:: urban spaces, elderly people, participatory approach, environmental design indices. Elderly Friendly Cities through People Participation [Volume 28, Number 128]
:: urban-rural communities Recognition of Ghanat phenomenon based on organization (Case study: Biabanak Village) [Volume 34, Number 150]
:: usage of materials Deliberation on Domestic Rural Building's materials [Volume 31, Number 139]
:: vernacular architecture The Typology of Traditional Houses in Talesh City: Case Study of Khalehsara 57 Village [Volume 33, Number 147]
:: vernacular architecture. Reading the Link of Spatial Organization of House and Lifestyle in Vernacular Architecture (Case Study: Boshrooyeh) [Volume 37, Number 164]
:: village, Kermanshah, housing, earthquake Analysis of the Qualitative and Quantitative Indices of Rural Housing in Kermanshah Province in recent decades [Volume 30, Number 134]
:: village. The Impact of Seasonal Changes and Living Activities on Dwelling Patterns and the Form of Rural Houses [Volume 36, Number 159]
:: villages in Kerman Investigation of Rural Participation in Relocation of Rural Settlements Case Study: Relocated villages in south Kerman province in Iran [Volume 33, Number 148]
:: villages of Marivan and Sarvabad County. Analysing the Effective Factors on the Unsustainability of the Rural Settlements in Zagros Mountains and Foothill (Marivan and Sarvabad counties) [Volume 37, Number 163]
:: virtual education The role of meaning of place on reducing stress caused by home quarantine of students [Volume 42, Number 184]
:: visibility. The Effect of Courtyard Wall on Security of Rural Houses (Case Study: Eimer-Mohammad, a Village of Golestan) [Volume 36, Number 160]
:: water pond Examining the changes in the thermal behavior of the space by considering the role of "water" in the basement and the courtyard of a; case study model of Yazd houses [Volume 43, Number 186]
:: water supply. Study of the Architectural Structure and Water Supply System of the Hand-dug Bath in the Historical Village of Kahnamu, Osku County [Volume 40, Number 174]
:: water-consuming industry. Earthen architecture, an alternative to construction industry to manage the drought crisis in Iran: Comparison between water usage in a building with three type of loading system: steel, concrete, and earthen [Volume 41, Number 178]
:: wind catcher Examining the impact of architectural plan proportions on wind speed and temperature in natural ventilation wind catchers; Case study: Kerman city [Volume 42, Number 183]
:: wood carving Structural Study of Wooden Abacus in Ashtbin Village Based on Samples in "Boonehghi" [Volume 39, Number 169]
:: workshop houses. A Review of the Evolutions of Rural Housing Upgrading and the Future Perspective [Volume 31, Number 140]
:: “Hanjan” Village. Design Pattern of Rural Housing (Case Study: Hanjan Village) [Volume 37, Number 163]
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