Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. ,
Abstract: (225 Views)
The development of societies drew the attention of designers to the quality of spaces and attention to the user in spaces, and in this regard, led to extensive investigations on the effect of space on human perception. Many factors influence the quality of the home space, and gender can be considered as one of the important aspects of the quality of the environment, especially the residential space, which is effective in increasing the satisfaction of the physical environment from the perspective of users with different genders. Gender refers to the socio-cultural and historical structure that tells society's expectations of each gender of men and women according to their background. In this research, the topic of spatial visual quality analysis has been discussed with an emphasis on gendered spaces, and it can be used as an important tool for measuring historical houses to answer the question of "what effect can gender components have on the visual vision in native houses located in Bandar Kong" in Hormozgan province?" to answer It seems that this model, using the historical-interpretive approach, can analyze human behavior in the space of the house, which leads to the recognition of a man-made environment with the perception of the composition of mass and space and how the behavior affects the spatial arrangement. After investigating the deep concept of gender in this area, 12 houses have been selected as case samples. In general, the spaces of native houses are classified into 4 main spaces: women's, men's, women's priority space, and men's priority space in this article. The results show that women's spaces have the highest level of privacy and the entrance of direct vision to this space has been reduced as much as possible using different methods. The view from the yard to these spaces is zero in 30 percent of the houses, and in other houses, it is associated with the lowest amount of input isovist. The men's space does not have a view from the entrance of 30% of the houses, and in 70% of the houses, it has a direct view and is located next to the entrance.