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:: Volume 36, Issue 157 (6-2017) ::
JHRE 2017, 36(157): 37-52 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of Louver Typologies in Vernacular Housing of Laft Port City
Nafiseh Yari Boroujeni * , Sheida Marahemi , Mehdi Saedvandi
M.A Student in Architecture, Art university of Esfahan , Nafis_yari@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5721 Views)

Louvers have been an integral element of houses in the port-city of Laft. This element, howere, has gradually lost its function in most houses in the city. Rooms that contain louver have practically turned into useless spaces. In most houses, louvers have not been repaired and hence have been deteriorated or demolished. Furthermore, in houses within the new residential development of Laft louvers have no place. As a result, these valuable heritages of Iranian traditional architecture are being disappeared from the skyline of the city. This article studies the presence of this element in the life of Laft inhabitants. In particular, it investigates the typology of Laft louvers in houses. Conducting a literature review and a field study, the article examines the form of louvers and their locations in houses and analyzes the relationship between the louver room and other spaces in Laft port houses. Finally, it presents a number of findings about the different elements and the spatial quality of louver rooms as well as the common observed changes in this space that are resulted from lifestyle changes in recent years. These findings can provide some insights for architects into the steps they can take in the direction of retaining the function of this architectural element and enahncing the quality of this space. Explaining the current situation of louvers and analyzing data, this research concludes that louvers are located on the northside of dwellings so they can best catch the sea breeze and enhance the thermal comfort of the house. Even in cases where the louver is located in front of the louver of adjacent dwellings, because of the site slope and also the expertise of local architects no problem in catching the sea breeze is observed.  The plan of louvers in Laft port is square, rectangular or octagonal, with the predominant form being a square with three square meters area. Octagonal louvers are less prevalent in the city.  This article argues that examining the typology of louvers in houses can provide a basis for a better maintenance and renovation of this architectural element in Laft port.

Keywords: louver typology, natural ventilation, vernacular housing, Laft port.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: معماری
Received: 2015/09/27 | Accepted: 2017/01/7 | Published: 2017/06/11
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Yari Boroujeni N, Marahemi S, saedvandi M. (2017). Analysis of Louver Typologies in Vernacular Housing of Laft Port City. JHRE. 36(157), 37-52.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-1146-en.html

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Volume 36, Issue 157 (6-2017) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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