Department of Architecture, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran ,
Abstract: (1584 Views)
The house as a cultural-social unit is the product of the interaction of housing and human habitation patterns, which is expressed in the form of behavioral patterns (lifestyle) and physical-spatial patterns. This research seeks to explore how these patterns are embedded in the structure of vernacular houses. Therefore, 15 houses belonging to the middle class and ordinary people of Ardebil city, left from the late Qajar and early Pahlavi eras, were selected as case studies. Then, by referring to them and interviewing their residents, the cases were investigated. The purpose of this study is to present a model for introducing the effective factors in shaping the structure of vernacular houses and explaining the dimensions and relationships between the concepts and components involved in the structure of these houses. The research method is qualitative, and the method of data analysis is inductive reasoning and interpretive analysis. The research was carried out in three stages: First, theoretical studies were collected, and the theoretical framework of research was extracted. In the theoretical framework, the key role of the "selection" factor has been emphasized as the agent of transferring concepts from the environmental capacities into meanings and patterns. In the second step, to test the theoretical framework, data analysis was performed based on the analysis of physical-spatial patterns as well as patterns of current behavior at three macro, mid and micro levels. Then the process of formation of the structure of the houses was drawn based on the theoretical framework, and the underlying factors were extracted. In the third stage, the final research model was developed based on the obtained data. According to the results, culture, society, climate, and economy are the four factors that impact the formation of the structure of Ardebil vernacular houses. Moreover, the factor of "choice" has produced meanings related to housing and residence, including contextual factors. From the interaction of meanings, the basic spatial-physical components of Ardebil vernacular houses’ structure, namely “physical and functional flexibility”, “climatic considerations in the houses”, “structural similarity of houses” and “lack of identification and variation of houses” are revealed.
Mohammad Hoseini P, Heidari A A. (2022). Explaining the basic components of the structure of vernacular houses case study: Ardebil vernacular houses. JHRE. 41(178), 19-34. doi:DOI: 10.22034/41.178.19 URL: