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:: Volume 29, Issue 130 (9-2010) ::
JHRE 2010, 29(130): 80-89 Back to browse issues page
Passive defense measures to be considered in Rural Dwellings
Abstract:   (15308 Views)
The core of civilized life is identified as the village in the history of man. With all the advances made in urbanization, the rural area has not lost its essence in the practical behavior of a culture’s socioeconomic life. However, with the increasing threats whether natural or manmade, the susceptibility of rural area is the same as urban area and the same efforts regarding the sustainability of urban area must be taken for the rural area on national bases. There are four major factors that have to be closely considered and monitored: sustainability of the natural resources, social sustainability, political sustainability and economic sustainability. In fact sustainable development of the country/village is not justified through its environmental wellbeing, but through the total of the above mentioned factors. In this article, through assessment on the rural procedures with respect to the population density, the economical abilities in agriculture and the capacity of accepting urban population during emergencies etc. are being discussed. This consideration can be clarified when the geographical position and situation of the urban area is assessed and evaluated nationwide. Regarding the existing rural area and their development plans, the pilot project, in addition to the previously practiced measures and used indexes, the passive defense is of essence and should be observed in full extent if the objective is to have sustainable rural development in Iran by close consideration of the above mentioned four factors. Passive defense includes a total of defensive measures that do not use arms, while increasing the prevention of harm, mitigation of vulnerability, sustaining the essential activities, promoting the national sustainability and facilitating the crisis management against threats, military or other. Therefore, passive defense should be applied and practiced in the rural areas nationwide. In this article the attempt is made to seek and identify the details necessary for implementation of passive defense in the rural area.
Keywords: The country/ village, passive defense, threats, pilot project, crisis, sustainability, rural dwellings.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2011/10/19 | Accepted: 2019/01/27 | Published: 2019/01/27
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(2010). Passive defense measures to be considered in Rural Dwellings . JHRE. 29(130), 80-89.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-41-en.html

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مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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