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:: Volume 40, Issue 173 (3-2021) ::
JHRE 2021, 40(173): 103-118 Back to browse issues page
The Effects of Location and Environmental Indicators on the Quality and Level of Education
Bahareh Nasr Zanjani , Zohreh Torabi * , Hooman Sobouti
Department of Architecture, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran , Zohreh.torabi@iauz.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2245 Views)
Among the issues related to the development of the country, education is one of the basic principles and the tree of development. The educational system of the society is considered as one of the main pillars in realizing this goal and achieving social justice. Rural areas, with a population of 20 million, are considered as one of the main spots of production and human resources in the country. It is important to provide this large group with proper training. Poor accessibility to educational services in the country's villages, especially in the southern, southeastern and border provinces, and the existence of different problems call for special measures and proper management. This can increase the level and quality of education for all villages. The need for local education and its development in rural areas should be considered as one of the main challenges for the advancement of the country's education system. The main purpose of this article is to study the level of literacy and education of rural residents in the provinces of the country and to study and analyze the indicators and indicators affecting the quality of education in rural areas. The research method is descriptive-analytical and in order to study and classify the criteria and indicators affecting the quality of education in rural areas of the country, AHP weighting method and MicMac software have been used. In these studies, there are 29 indicators in the education criteria that are extracted through desk studies. These criteria include educational programs (Ep), teaching and learning environment (Le), research (Re), social services (Ss), teachers (Te). Environmental criteria include social and institutional environment (Se), economic environment (Ec) and natural and physical environment (NE). The model incompatibility is equal to 0.08 and the system stability in MicMac software is equal to 96%, which indicates the appropriateness and reliability of the partnership. The results showed that the environmental causes are more effective than the general criteria of education on the quality of education. Currently, the economic conditions, employment and quality of life of rural residents in the central, southern and border provinces of the country are in poor condition, which is one of the principles affecting the quality of education and literacy of rural residents.

Keywords: Education, Village, Environmental and Location Indicators, Literacy Level.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: محیط کالبدی
Received: 2020/10/31 | Accepted: 2021/06/16 | Published: 2021/06/16
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Nasr Zanjani B, Torabi Z, Sobouti H. (2021). The Effects of Location and Environmental Indicators on the Quality and Level of Education. JHRE. 40(173), 103-118. doi:DOI: 10.22034/40.173.103
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-2078-en.html

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Volume 40, Issue 173 (3-2021) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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