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:: Volume 43, Issue 185 (6-2024) ::
JHRE 2024, 43(185): 75-92 Back to browse issues page
Pathology of relocation of rural settlements with the approach of reducing the effects of natural hazards in new village sites
Saeedmohammad Sabouri * , Seyed Amirhossien Garakani
Department of Environmental and Atmospheric Hazards, Natural Disaster Research Institute, Tehran, Iran. , saeedsabouri@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (813 Views)
In this article, taking into account that every year in Iran, we are faced with the occurrence of natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, subsidence, etc. Rural settlements and how to choose new sites based on the occurrence of possible natural hazards have been discussed. Investigations according to field observations of 9 new sites of relocated villages in different provinces of the country and natural and geotechnical hazards in new sites and shortcomings in locating, how to choose and build new sites, including the new site of the villages of Qazal Ataq, Agtageh, Khojaler, Kuruk, Chatal, Upper Qapan, Lower Qapan, Pashai, Arazali Sheikh and Qara Said of Kalaleh city, Qara Chai of Maneh city and Samalqan, Arab of Bojnord city, Aliabad and Ekojan of Qazvin city, Sharb Ma'a and Sulaimanabad of Faryab city and Khalj of Mahenshan city. Investigations according to field observations of 9 new sites of relocated villages in different provinces of the country and natural and geotechnical hazards in new sites and shortcomings in locating, how to choose and build new sites, including the new site of the villages of Qazal Ataq, Agtageh, Khojaler, Kuruk, Chatal, Upper Qapan, Lower Qapan, Pashai, Arazali Sheikh and Qara Said of Kalaleh city, Qara Chai of Maneh city and Samalqan, Arab of Bojnord city, Aliabad and Ekojan of Qazvin city, Sharb Ma'a and Sulaimanabad of Faryab city and Khalj of Mahenshan city. According to the investigations carried out in some new sites of relocated villages in the country, it was found that the hasty selection of the new site, incorrect location, not paying attention to the dangers of the selected site and not conducting geotechnical studies have caused damage to the newly built rural settlements. Therefore, conducting environmental surveys and identifying natural hazards threatening new sites and complying with technical requirements in order to reduce the vulnerability and effects of natural disasters and doing things such as not making hasty decisions, optimal location studies and choosing the right site, and general investigation of natural hazards, investigation of site threats Selected including earthquakes (distance from active faults), floods, landslides, creeping, mudslides, subsidence and sinkholes, quicksands, falling rocks according to the related checklists and the final summary of risks threatening the site and providing solutions to reduce vulnerability, geotechnical excavations and field tests and A laboratory that meets the needs of each site and in accordance with the geotechnical conditions of each site and stabilization and safety studies are necessary. These actions ultimately lead to the satisfaction of the residents of the new site and the successful relocation.

Keywords: Rural settlement, New site, Natural hazards, Pathology, Moving the village.
Full-Text [PDF 2169 kb]   (462 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: سکونتگاههای شهری و روستایی
Received: 2023/10/24 | Accepted: 2024/03/18 | Published: 2024/06/20
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Sabouri S, Garakani S A. (2024). Pathology of relocation of rural settlements with the approach of reducing the effects of natural hazards in new village sites. JHRE. 43(185), 75-92. doi:https://doi.org/10.22034/43.185.75
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-2488-en.html

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مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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