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:: Volume 35, Issue 153 (6-2016) ::
JHRE 2016, 35(153): 23-34 Back to browse issues page
The Effect of Harmony between Form and Structure on Seismic Resistance in Houses of Imamzadeh Ibrahim Village
Shahin Charkhtab Moghaddam * , Seyyed Bagher Hosseini
, charkhtab.shahin@deylaman.ac.ir
Abstract:   (6632 Views)

Iran’s location on the earthquake line  creates constant issues that should be considered seriously in all areas, including the construction consideration and seismic retrofitting all over the country. Human casualties and financial losses of the last earthquakes in Iran show that the existing buildings are highly vulnerable to earthquakes due to exhaustion or lack of awareness and mismanagement of  engineering knowledge or experts. An example of this may be found in the 4.7 Richter earthquake in Gilan province in 1369, in which 35,000 people were killed, 60,000 were wounded and 200,000 houses were destroyed.

The research in the seismic resistance of buildings against earthquakes might start with the study of the vernacular architecture of the different regions in the country and methods which are used to increase resistance. Therefore, the wooden houses of Imamzadeh Ibrahim’s village can be a good model to study for the construction of multi-storey earthquake resistant wood buildings.

Imamzadeh Ibrahim is a village in the city of Shaft in Gilan province. Imamzadeh Ibrahim’s shrine is one of the historical and pilgrim destinations in the village and it is the main reason for the initial establishment of this settlement. Annually, about a million travelers visit this region. 75% of the visitors chose the summer to travel to this destination. 

The houses in this village have several floors that are built of wood and have a good resistance against earthquakes. The buildings in this village are multi-storey, with the highest being five floors, which are connected to each other by a belt passageway through wooden stairs. Each floor includes some rooms which are separated by curtains.

First, the village and its unique regional architecture are introduced. Subsequently, the architecture is evaluated in terms of function,  articulation or separation of spaces, transparency, and order within the  examples from the village. In this research, the construction methods of the houses were investigated. Seismic resistance  a random example was examined based on architectural and structural configuration and the harmony between the two. In this example, the magnitude of the gravity force on the key column, which was made of Beech surrounded by walls of Zegali, was calculated. The results of these calculations show that wooden columns in a 4-storey building in the Imamzadeh Ibrahim’s village, with a profile area of 15 by 15 centimeters, and made of beech wood can endure a force of 35 kilograms per square centimeter for the resistance of the structure against wind loads and etc., in addition to their ability to withstand the tensions.

Indeed, the main cause for the unexpected seismic resistance of the buildings can be summarized in two reasons: 1. using light materials and eventually low weight houses, 2. the symmetry of the columns and the use of braces between the columns. In the end, the results showed that we are witnessing an architectural columns plan due to the particularities of the columns in the houses and the harmony between them, which results in the structural stability of the building.  Also, it establishes the architectural and functional relationships and could increase the resistance of the buildings against earthquakes. Hence, Imamzadeh Ibrahim’s houses can be introduced as a native model for the construction of multi-storey earthquake resistant buildings.

Keywords: Structural Harmony, Seismic Retrofitting, Rural Settlements, Vernacular Architecture, Rural Housing, Earthquake, Imamzadeh Ibrahim
Full-Text [PDF 382 kb]   (2088 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: سکونتگاههای شهری و روستایی
Received: 2014/01/14 | Accepted: 2015/04/4 | Published: 2016/06/19
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Charkhtab Moghaddam S, Hosseini S B. (2016). The Effect of Harmony between Form and Structure on Seismic Resistance in Houses of Imamzadeh Ibrahim Village . JHRE. 35(153), 23-34.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-763-en.html

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Volume 35, Issue 153 (6-2016) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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