Behavioral science theories emphasized the role of identity in explaining the ways residential environments interact with residents. Indeed, many researchers suggest the identity as a main purpose of dwelling. So, residents’ identity is one of the most important issues in dwelling concept of settlements architecture. Nevertheless, this issue paying no attention in literature. In this article, we attempted to find the theoretical model of interaction between residential environment and residents’ identity.
First, on the basis of behavioral science theories present the hypothesis of the ways in which residents interact with residential environments. Then, we test the hypothesis with logical reasoning, according to theories and researches that support the issue.
As residential environment is a social space, so, one can claim that human shape the residential environment with semantic elements according to his/her image in order to interact the others in symbolic interaction through constructed environment and with regard to others’ evaluation of his/her residential environment can evaluate, confirm, and promote his/her identity.
Residential environment in its performance as an “extended self” is linkage of man with his physical and social environment and with its two dimensions including the ‘material me’ and the ‘social me’, or as place identity and social identity interprets and explain the relation. Formation of these identities occurs in a reciprocal process and residential environment has placed in it as a symbol of self. In the reciprocal process with individuals, residential environment on the basis of its characteristics declare, interpret, and confirm itself.
Pourdehimi 1, Nourtaghani 2. (2013). Housing and Identity Study on the mechanisms of interaction between dweller’s identity and residential environment. JHRE. 32(141), 3-18. URL: