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:: Volume 31, Issue 137 (5-2012) ::
JHRE 2012, 31(137): 71-82 Back to browse issues page
The Study of Rural Tourism in Khangha Village as Perceived by Rural Villagers: A Grounded Theory Approach
Abstract:   (15726 Views)
Rural tourism is not only a major source of employment and income but also a major factor in socio-cultural and ecological development. Moreover, rural tourism helps to improve social and economic activities. In less developed countries, rural tourism is the last option in eradicating poverty and preventing unemployment. The development of rural tourism leads to more sustainable employment, and reduces unemployment rate. In Iran, there are rich cultural heritage, ancient monuments, and natural attractions. It is believed that when obstacles and limitations are removed, the region have the potential to generate sound economical benefit. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative study was to determine the current status of rural tourism in Khangha village in Pave Township. This village located in Pave Township .The population used in this study included residents of Pave Township that selected by purposed sampling. Data collection included deep interview, direct observation, slides, films, and library research. Grounded Theory Approach was used to analyze data through open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. During open coding, the researcher read the content of interview line by line and assigned a code to each concept. During axial coding, the concepts obtained in open coding were compared and analyzed for sub- categories and final categories with new meaning emerged. Totally, 43 concepts emerged from which 33 concepts derived from rural experts and 10 concepts derived from specialists in Travel and Tourism Organization. In order to categorize the concepts, they were labeled as (K) for rural experts and (M) for specialists. During selective coding, main categories were compared with sub-categories to form new meanings. Finally, selective coding showed that in addition to tourist attractions, Khangha village was facing some challenges: Lack of infrastructure, lack of insight on tourist and tourism among villagers and government officials, slow deterioration of cultural sites, lack of information network to pass on the latest news, and lack of government support. Climate change and lack of precise statistical information were some of the limitations faced by villagers. In order to validate the findings of this study, a meeting was arranged with government official. Overall, the findings were cross checked and validated. Based upon the results of the study, it is recommended that rural administrators provide motivational incentives among rural investors to initiate financial and technical support in tourism projects. The implementation and monitoring of these projects should be given to the local villagers. All amenities such as hotels, parking, and other facilities should be included in the project.
Keywords: Rural tourism, tourism, grounded theory, rural development
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2012/06/16 | Accepted: 2014/07/8 | Published: 2014/07/8
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(2012). The Study of Rural Tourism in Khangha Village as Perceived by Rural Villagers: A Grounded Theory Approach. JHRE. 31(137), 71-82.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-330-en.html

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Volume 31, Issue 137 (5-2012) Back to browse issues page
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