shahid beheshti University ,
Abstract: (12252 Views)
Being concerned to achieve good shape of the settlements environment has been commenced since the formation of primary places. Human raising passion to live in desired environments has revealed the importance of quality of life in urban and rural areas. The current paper, has aimed to assess effective factors of citizen’s satisfaction from the quality of life in urban-rural area of Aslanduz. The current paper aimed to assess effective factors of citizen satisfaction from Quality of life of Aslanduz urban-rural area. Accordingly, after reviewing theoretical literature of environment quality, the conceptual framework including 15 factors have been chosen and analyzed. The current paper in terms of type of the study, is combination of descriptive-analytic and survey methods which the obtained results are applied and developmental. The features including age, gender, education level, economic satisfaction and marital status and any of each 15 factors as the dependant factors have been identified in order to analyze their impact on the resident’s quality of life. The sampling size was estimated 384 respondents by using Cochran’s formula. The members of the study sample were chosen by random sampling method regarding population of study sub-communities of Aslanduz. One-way ANOVA test (for multiple independent variables) and T-test (for independent bi-variables) have been used to compare the average degree of the subjective quality of life of the respondents in different stages. To analyze data, the statistical methods such as: Frequency distribution, T-test- Spearman correlation coefficient, Phi and Cramer were used using SPSS software. In addition for completion of the analyzes, fuzzy multi-criteria and cluster analyzes were used. The results show which citizens’ satisfaction of their quality of environment is undesirable. The obtained results which was evaluated in 5 levels (Very low, low, relatively much, much, too much Satisfaction) using cluster analysis, indicates Behdari alley has best situation. Kamp is placed at second level and other alleys are in middle level. Too, the obtained results represented that there is no significant relationship between variable gender and main variables of Quality of life. In addition, this non-significant relationship is seen between the age and main variables of quality of life. In terms of marital status and main variables of quality of life, no significant relationship exists that is vice versa with the relationship economic status and main variables of quality of life. Ultimately, there is no meaningful relationship between education level and main variables of the quality of life.
mohamadi J. (2013). Evaluation the quality of living environment in rural-towns according to residents view based on viewpoint of fuzzy logic (Case study: rural-town of Aslanduz). JHRE. 32(144), 59-74. URL: