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:: Volume 34, Issue 149 (7-2015) ::
JHRE 2015, 34(149): 103-119 Back to browse issues page
Evaluating the function of rural governors (Dehyars) in rural development (Case study: Aivan Gharb, Illam)
Abstract:   (7872 Views)

Regardless of their success or failure, rural history of Iran is full of examples related to different managerial styles in different parts of Iran. Rural management in Iran has been materialized in various ways. It has also experienced fluctuations in terms of legal and structural frameworks. However, lack of efficient rural management in most villages has created many problems for rural residents during different eras of the past history especially before 1960s (1340s in Iranian calendar). It is necessary to remember that after the Islamic revolution in 1979, diverse organizations have been formed in order to manage the villages including: Rural Islamic Councils, Khaneh Hamyar (house of Corporation), and Rural Development Office. Each of the mentioned organizations have successes and failures in their records, however, the weight of failure is somehow more than success.

The lack of a comprehensive rural management system and social failure of mentioned organizations were the main reasons for most rural problems. After years of trial and error, eventually the legislation of Councils in 1995 (1374) and then the legislation of Dehyari (Rural Governor Offices) in 1998 (1377) were passed mainly to transfer the responsibilities to new rural managers.

The present study is aimed to evaluate the function of Dehyars (Rural Governors) in rural development at Aivan Gharb County of Illam province in west of Iran, which contains 72 villages with about 50,000 population. This study is a basic and applied research which has used a documentary-surveying method to shed a light on Dehyar’s functioning in Aivan Gharb County. After considering a theoretical framework, two different questionnaires were provided to be completed by 200 sample households and 16 rural governors (Dehyars) in 16 villages. Based on examined hypotheses, the followings can be mentioned as the main findings of the present study:

1. Dehyars are successful in interactions with rural councils and government organizations.

2. There is no significant difference between economic, social and physical aspects of rural governors’ (Dehyars’) functions.

3.Literacy and academic qualifications have had a great impact on Dehyar’s functions.

4.Main problems encountered Dehyars include: lack of facilities, the weakness of rural economic structure, problems associated with collecting tax and aids. 

It is evident that the present study covers just some areas of rural management at a sample part of Iran. Though the results can be applied to elsewhere, there is a need to deeper and wider studies of rural management in different parts of Iran according to their various socio-economic and cultural characteristics.

Keywords: security, social confidence, social cohesion, social participation
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2012/09/18 | Accepted: 2014/06/29 | Published: 2015/06/24
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(2015). Evaluating the function of rural governors (Dehyars) in rural development (Case study: Aivan Gharb, Illam). JHRE. 34(149), 103-119.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-397-en.html

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Volume 34, Issue 149 (7-2015) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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