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:: Volume 38, Issue 168 (12-2019) ::
JHRE 2019, 38(168): 19-34 Back to browse issues page
An Approach to the Conservation of Cultural Landscape in Historical Village of Davan
Mohammadreza Natanj , Vahid Zatakram *
Restoration and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Fabrics, University of Art, Tehran , vahid.zatakram@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4066 Views)
The historical fabric of Davan village is located near the city of Kazeroon, with physical features such as steppe gardening system, Stone architecture, with the ancient Sassanid period and ecological characteristics, beside with intangible values such as customs and particular dialects of the local people, that the result of the intelligent interaction of human with nature and this is an example of the concept of cultural landscape. Examining of the term cultural landscape that includes all the features of tangible and intangible heritage and, environmental and cultural diversity, in the village of Davan can be very much considered and lead to the registration of this village in the list of cultural landscapes of the country. In fact, since the rural and local communities have more living traditions and specific lifestyles based on a deeply effective culture than human-nature interactions, the issue of preserving intangible heritage and its unity with tangible and physical aspects becomes more important. Although the village of Davan is still in good condition and the steppe gardening system are part of the livelihoods of the villagers, but damages such as drought and changes in livelihood patterns have led to over-migration of rural residents in past years and leave the ageing population in the village. The aforementioned damages and ongoing migration threaten the coherence of the tangible and intangible heritage and the concept of cultural landscape in this village. In this case, given the damages that exist in this village and threaten to register it as a cultural landscape, interventions to eliminate the damage and improve the quality of the village in the form of conservation and management plan require that this is considered as the main objective of the research. Therefore, in order to achieve its goal, the research has attempted to answer the following questions: What are the characteristics and values of the cultural landscape of Davan? What are the challenges and threats to the cultural landscape of Davan? And how can the cultural landscape be maintained and revitalized by presenting a proper management plan? In this regard, the "analytical study and recording of information", "valuation" and, finally, the "presentation of the conservation and management plan" form the various stages of research.The research method was descriptive-analytic and information gathering method was based on library and field studies. Research achievements show that through the conservation and promotion of native architecture patterns, strengthening the level of tourism, attracting popular participation and creating job opportunities, with an emphasis on historical, natural and cultural capabilities of Davan It can improve the physical and social prosperity and, ultimately, take key steps in the effective conservation of this valuable heritage.registering this area into the country's cultural heritage list makes it possible to support and strive to preserve its values. The establishment of rules and regulations relating to various activities in the context of the aforementioned cultural landscape through the establishment of a Local Council for Conservation and Revitalization and cooperation with regional managers in this regard, can be crucial. Use of agricultural and horticultural capacities and revitalization of horticultural products such as grape juice, raisins and etc. Applying the potential of beekeeping and honey production as well as packaging and supply of medicinal plants provides, employment opportunities in this area. Supporting the establishment of modified livestock and poultry knowledge- based centers is another solution for the business in this village. Alongside, due to the different heritage values ​​in this area, it is possible to launch tourism activities, especially in relation to eco-tourism, which will also help to promote the dynamism and vitality of the rural fabric. By creating employment and improving the environmental and physical condition of this area, sense of place in Davan will increase, and that will stop the phenomenon of migration and even reverse migration. In this way over time, the Devan will have a dynamic cycle of conservation and development. 
Keywords: Conservation, Cultural Landscape, Rural Heritage, Davan Village, Stone Architecture.
Full-Text [PDF 984 kb]   (1287 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: سکونتگاههای شهری و روستایی
Received: 2019/02/4 | Accepted: 2020/03/16 | Published: 2020/03/16
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Natanj M, Zatakram V. (2019). An Approach to the Conservation of Cultural Landscape in Historical Village of Davan. JHRE. 38(168), 19-34. doi:DOI: 10.22034/38.168.19
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-1826-en.html

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مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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