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:: Volume 29, Issue 131 (12-2010) ::
JHRE 2010, 29(131): 95-108 Back to browse issues page
"Rural Tourist" as a Constructive Method for Rural Development,A case Study: Fahlyan village
Abstract:   (16186 Views)
Villages as a vital living spaces of a large number of people in developing societies encounter with many difficulties such as lack of resources and capital for respondent of their needs and improvement of the quality of their life, employment and improvement of socio-economic of residence of these settlements which in the passage of time they need growth and development. Since the poorest villagers are those without any agricultural land or those with small cultivated lands, there is a possibility to create some varieties and carry out non-agricultural activities to provide job opportunities, reducing poverty and making a relative social welfare for these small population centers. Therefore, the policy makers have made decisions and proposed different solutions to reach a sustainable development in rural areas which can refer to the expansion and development of tourism industry. This is an economic-human activity to provide job opportunities and income and result a two-side relation between the villagers and other people with different cultures. In this study it has been tried to speak about the principles and the concept of rural tourism and its close relation with rural development according to the library studies and conceptual analysis while introducing the natural-historical potentials and attractions of tourism in Fahlyan village which is related to the central section of Mamasani County. Finally, different solutions have been proposed to provide possibilities for tourism plans and expansion of this activity in the aforesaid village in the line of multisided development.
Keywords: Tourism, Rural Tourism, development, Rural development, Fahlyan.
Full-Text [PDF 540 kb]   (187 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2011/10/19 | Accepted: 2019/01/27 | Published: 2019/01/27
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(2010). "Rural Tourist" as a Constructive Method for Rural Development,A case Study: Fahlyan village. JHRE. 29(131), 95-108.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-35-en.html

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Volume 29, Issue 131 (12-2010) Back to browse issues page
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