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:: Volume 43, Issue 185 (6-2024) ::
JHRE 2024, 43(185): 107-122 Back to browse issues page
Spatial planning to improve the quality of interspaces based on the results of residents' satisfaction evaluation; Case study: Imam Reza (AS) Mehr housing complex in Sadra city
Sudabeh Mohammadzadeh , Ali Reza Einifar * , Hamid Majedi
Department of Art and Architecture, College of Fine Arts, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran. , aeinifar@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (606 Views)
in the past, the yard in villa houses would allow residents to perform various activities and to communicate with nature . but today lifestyle change and building of apartments such as mehr housing projects such as social isolation, interruption of relation with nature, has been placed on the physical and mental health of the residents. in this case, appropriate design of intermediate spaces in mehr housing projects can replace the yard and open space in the past. the purpose of this paper is to identify intermediate spaces and provide a method for spatial planning using AIDA model to improve the quality of the environment.
to achieve this goal, the main question is what factors in the excellence of the environment are effective in the quality of residential environment and what strategies can be used to improve the quality of the environment? in order to answer these questions, the capabilities of intermediate spaces in 10 levels were determined and in the mehr imam reza (peace be upon him ) , sadra was evaluated and evaluated . the nature of this research is combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and data collection is done by survey questionnaire. the case study in the residential complex of imam reza , the new town of sadra , has been selected by random sampling and the question has been about 82 residents of this complex . to evaluate the factors, multiple regression and t - test were used.
based on the results of the quality and use of AIDA , strategies for improving the quality of the environment were developed . the results obtained from the quality assessment in the selected set indicate the dissatisfaction of important urban use indicators, green space, and security in the neighborhood level, green space, children 's game space, and the accessibility to residential complex and residential and environmental cleanliness at the residential unit level. then, using the technique of decision - making, different scenarios of quality improvement were presented. after evaluation, the best scenario with improved security, green space development, intensive development of important land uses, network expansion, development of the quality of housing, creation of environmental cleanliness infrastructure and considering children 's play space were selected.

Keywords: Environmental quality improvement, Intermediate spaces, Functional component, Experimental-aesthetic component, Environmental component
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: معماری
Received: 2022/04/17 | Accepted: 2024/03/18 | Published: 2024/06/20
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Mohammadzadeh S, Einifar A R, Majedi H. (2024). Spatial planning to improve the quality of interspaces based on the results of residents' satisfaction evaluation; Case study: Imam Reza (AS) Mehr housing complex in Sadra city. JHRE. 43(185), 107-122. doi:https://doi.org/10.22034/43.185.107
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-2325-en.html

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Volume 43, Issue 185 (6-2024) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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