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:: Volume 41, Issue 180 (12-2022) ::
JHRE 2022, 41(180): 115-126 Back to browse issues page
Pathology of rural management from the perspective of people in the villages of the central district of Ardabil province
Ahmad Haj Alizadeh , Nasrallah Hashtjin Mola'i * , Mohammad Basit Qureshi , Teymour Amar
Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran. , nmolaeih@iaurasht.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1881 Views)
Rural management is a collection of knowledge, information, techniques, and skills that organizes the planning process with the art of management in order to achieve rural development. On the one hand, reviewing this record contains significant points in the methods of village administration, and on the other hand, it is influenced by past experiences, which clarifies various challenges, especially for future use. Rural management is one of the main and inseparable pillars of rural development; because in the absence of organized management in rural areas, development programs will face countless problems. Rural management in Iran has not been able to solve the problems due to the changing conditions, time requirements, and the previous traditional structures of management in rural areas. The new structure of rural management, especially since the 1970s, which is based on people's participation in the affairs and bottom-up planning, due to many reasons, such as not localizing and extensive government intervention, is not fully institutionalized to solve the problems of today's villages. Currently, rural management in Iran is facing issues and problems that require attention from officials and policymakers. These challenges can be found in cases such as lack of explanation of theoretical foundations, lack of rural unit management, lack of stable financial resources, lack of local people's participation, the state of manpower training, access to equipment, tools, and facilities. Based on this, in the present article, while presenting an overview of the changes in the structure of rural management, the pathology of the rural management system in the villages of Ardabil has been studied. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and library, documentary, and data center sources have been used to collect data. The results show that the new rural management needs effective managers who can rely on the will of the people and maintain the social structure and formal and logical relationship with the government, guaranteeing the establishment of a stable relationship between the people and the government, which is part of the management's duty, and be responsible for the transformation in the society.
Keywords: Key Words: rural Islamic Councils, local management, social capital, Rural Participatory Management
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/12/3 | Accepted: 2023/02/8 | Published: 2023/03/15
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Haj Alizadeh A, Hashtjin Mola'i N, Qureshi M B, Amar T. (2022). Pathology of rural management from the perspective of people in the villages of the central district of Ardabil province. JHRE. 41(180), 115-126. doi:DOI: 10.22034/41.180.126
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-967-en.html

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Volume 41, Issue 180 (12-2022) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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