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:: Volume 34, Issue 150 (9-2015) ::
JHRE 2015, 34(150): 33-52 Back to browse issues page
The experience of Post-Earthquake Housing Reconstruction- 1972 Town of Qir
Alireza Fallahi , Sayma Khajehei *
university of shahid Beheshti , sayma.khajehei@gmail.com
Abstract:   (7383 Views)

One of the most important deficiencies in reconstruction studies in Iran is the lack of information or documents about the previous experiences of reconstructed areas meanwhile Iran is a vulnerable country to natural disasters which has experienced different reconstruction programs during the time. It is obvious that the documentation of previous reconstructions programs and surveying them can be useful and prevent similar mistakes. But, it should be declared that most of these information or evidences which can be used for the similar future programs are not gathered and also not available.

The town of Qir which is located in south west of Fars province in Iran, experienced an enormous destruction due to the disastrous earthquake occurred in 1972 in the region of Qir- Karzin. Reconstruction program was arranged and implemented by the government based on relocating and constructing new town in a distance about 1.5 kilometers far from the old one.  Evidences demonstrate that the government on this case had little studies to choose the location of the new town and also about the construction of the new houses. However the residents moved to the new town and occupied the constructed units in the relocated town over the last forty years.

Therefore, this study documents all evidences of the reconstruction process and surveys the reconstructed town in order to review this process and draw out lessons for future studies. This research is a combination of field- based study and analytical documentation using descriptive- exploratory research methodology. In this paper, information collection is based on surveying existing evidences like the reports of the reconstruction program or daily newspapers of the year 1972, in-depth and exploratory interviews with the authorities of renovation program and survivals as well as field studies with careful observation and sketching the built houses.

Findings indicate that resettled town has little similarities with the old one. Residents of the new houses modified the built units due to space limitation as well as making gardens in the houses to make them similar to their conception of a house. It should be mentioned that some residents destructed the built units and some others accepted unfamiliar architectural forms of earthquake resident houses and kept these buildings in the region during the last 40 years.  In addition, findings suggest that providing facilities following the reconstruction program had significant role in acceptance of this relocation by residents.

Keywords: Documentation, Reconstruction, Reviewing reconstruction, Town of Qir, Earthquake
Full-Text [PDF 903 kb]   (4890 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: سکونتگاههای شهری و روستایی
Received: 2014/01/24 | Accepted: 2014/06/11 | Published: 2015/09/13
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Fallahi A, khajehei S. (2015). The experience of Post-Earthquake Housing Reconstruction- 1972 Town of Qir . JHRE. 34(150), 33-52.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-771-en.html

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Volume 34, Issue 150 (9-2015) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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