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:: Volume 29, Issue 131 (12-2010) ::
JHRE 2010, 29(131): 11-24 Back to browse issues page
Recognition of House in ABYANEH
Abstract:   (15476 Views)
The concept of "house" as a family residential center has been treated differently in various times and places depending on residents' expectations and responses. Meanwhile, rural housing not only is a place for living, but also provides necessary spaces for work and production, all gathered in a certain area. However, in the historical village of Abyaneh the concept of house, locally called "Kaya", totally differs from the general understanding of familiar mentioned rural housing. Thus the Kaya is not just a closed and bounded area within four walls. Rather for Abyanehians, house is not merely a room for dwelling, sleeping, cooking, settling, entertaining guests and setting necessities of life, but in fact a combination of some spaces dispersed among or even around the village. Abyanehian families make their bread in the public bakery. They store their equipment, supplies and foodstuff in a room far from their residence. Their fireplace may be located out on the side of alley. Their animals are kept in a shelter in some other part of the village. The farming equipment and husbandry requirements, timber and firewood are stocked in a hand-excavated space called "Kande" on a mountain slope, out of the village. Thus a “combination” of all of these different spaces means the “house” for them.In other words, the group of these detached and spread spaces among the village which belongs to a family forms the "Kaya" or house. From this point of view, an Abyanehian family wherever posses or builds a new space, is expanding his house. This life style has established a most complicated law and regulation system of ownership in the village, which is still ongoing and alive.In this article the concept of "house" is described through considering the life style of abyanehian people, their daily activities and spatial needs. For this purpose, a very precise plan was surveyed from the village's fabric and its different functions. Also plans of more than 60 residential units and some building blocks were provided. At long last, the concept of "house" has been inspected by verifying people's life and various spaces of their houses. Understanding the concept of Abyanehian house leads to have a right perception about this special and complicated type of settlement and its specifications. This might be helpful in probable future physical interventions not only in this village but also in other rural settlements.
Keywords: Abyaneh, Kaya, House, Rural Housing.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2011/10/19 | Accepted: 2019/01/27 | Published: 2019/01/27
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(2010). Recognition of House in ABYANEH. JHRE. 29(131), 11-24.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-30-en.html

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Volume 29, Issue 131 (12-2010) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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