in Conservation and Restoration of Historical Buildings and Urban Fabrics, Conservation Group, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (1307 Views)
Preserving historical fabric has always been a major challenge in urban management systems. For example, in terms of increasing safety, these fabrics are either subjected to large-scale interventions or left untouched as a separate area in higher-level plans. This is because their safety measures, such as widening roads for emergency access or constructing new buildings using durable materials at the expense of the integrity, morphology, and ultimately the authenticity of the historical fabric, are not conventional. This study aims to reevaluate the physical resilience of this historical area after examining the nature and dimensions of resilience, describing its physical resilience and influential factors. The challenge of aligning resilience principles with these fabrics begins with understanding their formation prior to the development of these principles. By studying documents and conducting qualitative analysis, the physical resilience of the historical area of Hasht Behesht Bazaar in Isfahan was evaluated considering specific indicators for these types of fabrics such as materials and construction techniques. Subsequently, studies were analyzed using SWOT analysis and implemented in a comprehensive analysis map for physical resilience. It has been determined that this area is most vulnerable in terms of "building occupancy level," "building density," and "urban open space." In dimensions such as "type and age of buildings," it has an acceptable condition, provided that the physical condition is addressed and structural deterioration is avoided. Furthermore, another result of the research indicates that contemporary seismic resilience principles cannot be directly implemented in these areas due to their impact on the authenticity and morphology of valuable historical fabrics. However, relative safety and maximum preservation of authenticity can be achieved by considering variables such as material quality, structural stability, and updating some principles, such as providing multiple smaller open spaces instead of one large emergency space. Finally, in order to enhance the physical resilience of historical fabrics while preserving maximum authenticity, recommendations have been made in three areas: urban conservation, architectural conservation, and urban management.
Mahdavi Ghahsareh M, Mohammadmoradi A. (2023). Integrated Analysis of Physical Resilience in the Historical Area of Hasan Abad Bazaar in Isfahan against Earthquakes. JHRE. 42(183), 123-137. doi:DOI: 10.22034/42.183.123 URL: