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:: Volume 39, Issue 170 (9-2020) ::
JHRE 2020, 39(170): 67-82 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of the Architectural Structure of Historical and Traditional Houses in Sopurghan Village of Urmia City
Mozaffar Abbaszadeh * , Hamid Behjat
Faculty of Architecture, Urban and Art, Urmia University, Adjunct Professor, Afagh Higher Education Institute, Urmia , mozaffar_a@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3677 Views)
Rural heritage includes architecture and its special landscapes. The architectural structure of rural settlements is the result of a set of human activities related to the natural and cultural environment. The salient illustration of this type of architecture can be founded in local architecture, which is the main element of rural texture. The spatial organization, establishment and physical structure of local architectures reflect the quality of environmental usage, the impact of the economy, traditions and culture of the rural community which after years of trial and error have adapted their strategies, methods, patterns and models in accordance with the material and spiritual needs of people, their environment and daily activities that can be applied as a model for planning and designing new pattern.
Urmia plain has been inhabited for thousands of years due to its natural conditions. The spatial-physical structure of the villages located in this city is a sign of cultural importance and richness, moreover; the architectural values of its rural houses left over from the past are also of high significance. Architecture that arises from the way of life, beliefs of the indigenous community and the heart of the village which has been influenced by spatial and cultural factors during the span of time has been formed in a special way. A few illustrations of the mentioned structure are found in some villages occasionally and sometimes sparsely. In this regard, the village of Sopurghan is a striking example due to the remnants of the traditional texture and architecture of historic houses.
This study examines the characteristics of the village and the architecture of historical and traditional houses with the aim of achieving comprehensive knowledge of the physical-spatial organization of historical and traditional houses in the village of Sopurghan which is located in the city of Urmia. Furthermore, the research seeks to answer the questions including what are the special features of the historical and traditional houses of Sopurghan village compared to other adjacent villages in the region, what architectural pattern they follow and what factors affect their architectural structure.
The research data were obtained through library studies and field surveys, which were studied descriptively and analytically. The results show that almost all available buildings are oriented east-west and the skylights are located to east or west. Regardless of the natural and climatic conditions of the plain, this way of orientation and settlement of the existing specimens has been influenced by local traditions, religious beliefs and economic requirements. The historical and traditional houses of Sopurghan village generally have lofty doors, facades and decorations and follow a specific pattern in terms of size, shape, form, spatial settlement in a way that that the mass is located in the wall of the passages and after passing through the architectural space, enters the courtyard, which strengthens the discussion of privacy and security. In relation to the quality of the mass and the space, with a big difference, the space dominates the mass. The most widely used materials in the architectural structure of houses are abundance adobe, stone, brick and wood respectively which due to different conditions in a direct relation of  the climatic and indigenous conditions of the region they have been applied in the required sections. Subordination and coordination in the spatial-physical structure of the case examples have finally created an integrated and purposeful structure in the rural landscape and architecture. The combination of these features has created a different structure than other similar species in Urmia city. Today, due to various interventions many specimens have been destroyed.
Keywords: Typology, Traditional architecture, Village, Sopurghan village, Urmia.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: معماری
Received: 2019/10/6 | Accepted: 2020/09/20 | Published: 2020/09/20
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Abbaszadeh M, Behjat H. (2020). Analysis of the Architectural Structure of Historical and Traditional Houses in Sopurghan Village of Urmia City. JHRE. 39(170), 67-82. doi:DOI: 10.22034/39.170.67
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-1930-en.html

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Volume 39, Issue 170 (9-2020) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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