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:: Volume 43, Issue 188 (12-2024) ::
JHRE 2024, 43(188): 15-30 Back to browse issues page
Analyzing the criteria in order to locate a temporary dwelling for a possible earthquake in an area of a metropolis (Study case: District 10 of Tehran)
Alireza Bandarabad *
department of urban planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , bandarabad@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (368 Views)
Objective: Anticipating the needs after disasters is a wise and prudent thing, and studying and predicting places for temporary dwelling after disasters, including earthquakes in metropolises like Tehran, is the main subject of this research. In a metropolis, each area may have different characteristics and different choices for locating post-disaster temporary dwelling. In this article, with an overview of the criteria for locating temporary dwelling after the earthquake, as well as the background of research in this area about locating in smaller cities or other areas of Tehran metropolis, firstly, theoretical and theoretical criteria for locating temporary dwelling are macro-analyzed. And then these criteria have been specifically evaluated and measured in the 10th district of Tehran. The purpose of this research is to analyze the criteria for choosing suitable places for locating temporary dwelling after the probable earthquake in metropolitan cities.
Method: This research was done with a mixed method (a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods) and sampling was done with analogical and inductive methods. The method of qualitative content analysis of texts, coding (texts and reports and in-depth interviews with scientific experts and technical agents as well as managers of specialized departments), comparative comparison of criteria with case studies has resulted in obtaining the primary criteria. After the analysis of the criteria, on the other hand, for the feasibility and final location in the district 10 of ​​Tehran, in addition to the hierarchical process method, it was used for the final location.
Results: A number of thirty places inside the region and three places outside the region were introduced, measured and introduced in order of priority. The examination of findings led to the announcement of results. Based on that, it is suggested that some scientific policies in the specialized field of location for post-disaster temporary dwelling be reviewed and structural changes.
Conclusions: The results of this research show that we will not necessarily be able to find a location for temporary dwelling in all areas of a metropolis because the conditions, facilities and characteristics of each area are different from another area in a metropolis. One of the important results of this research is that due to the nature of urban development and the formation structure of Tehran, many areas of this city - including district 10 - do not have the necessary capacity to locate a temporary dwelling after the earthquake in the area. Therefore, in the final part of the research, proposed changes in the areas of policymaking and urban planning have been presented.
Keywords: temporary dwelling, earthquake, disasters, location, district 10 of Tehran
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/10/8 | Accepted: 2024/10/29 | Published: 2024/12/18


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Bandarabad A. (2024). Analyzing the criteria in order to locate a temporary dwelling for a possible earthquake in an area of a metropolis (Study case: District 10 of Tehran). JHRE. 43(188), 15-30. doi: https://doi.org/10.22034/43.188.15
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-2573-en.html

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