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:: Volume 42, Issue 182 (6-2023) ::
JHRE 2023, 42(182): 49-62 Back to browse issues page
Application of Environmental Affordance theory for Residents' Solitude Selection in Contemporary Housing: Case Study of Short-Term Residential Apartments in Tehran City
Azadeh Rezaei , Mohammad Reza Pourzargar * , Vahid Shali Amini
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Central Branch, Tehran, Iran , Moh.pourzargar@iauctb.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1226 Views)
With the increase in population growth and rising land and housing prices, the size of residential apartments in major cities has decreased, leading to intrusion into the privacy and personal space of apartment residents. However, since there needs to be an environment that allows for certain behaviors to occur, one can utilize the existing capabilities of the environment for privacy selection. This study adopts a combined approach and utilizes descriptive-analytical and exploratory methods to examine the nature of privacy and how it can be achieved through the theory of environmental capabilities. The research question posed in this study is how one can utilize the theory of environmental capabilities to achieve privacy selection in low-rise residential apartments. To answer the main research question, after conducting library studies and reviewing theoretical foundations, a number of case studies were selected and their current situation was examined from the perspective of feasibility assessment using the theory of environmental capabilities for privacy selection. In continuation, based on the regulated components and the existing situation in the case studies, specialized questionnaires were provided to the statistical community. The data analysis method in this section utilized T-Test, Friedman test, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling, using smartpls3 and spss22 software. The research findings indicate that the "cultural-social" dimension has the highest impact with an average rank of 2.43 in terms of privacy selection and its realization in housing by residents. Following that, the "physical" dimension with an average rank of 2.01 and the "semantic" dimension with an average rank of 1.56 have the most influence on the privacy selection of residents in low-rise residential apartments, after the "cultural-social" dimension. According to the research results, one of the reasons for the decline in the quality of privacy selection by residents is the designers' focus on functional features in design and neglecting cultural features and behavioral patterns.
Keywords: Environmental Affordance theory, Social Acceptance, Short-Term Residential Apartment.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: معماری
Received: 2022/11/13 | Accepted: 2023/06/26 | Published: 2023/09/19
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Rezaei A, Pourzargar M R, Shali Amini V. (2023). Application of Environmental Affordance theory for Residents' Solitude Selection in Contemporary Housing: Case Study of Short-Term Residential Apartments in Tehran City. JHRE. 42(182), 49-62. doi:10.22034/42.182.49
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-2396-en.html

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Volume 42, Issue 182 (6-2023) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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