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Showing 4 results for Sustainable Rural Development

Jafar Hazar Jaribi , Mehrdad Karami,
Volume 30, Issue 136 (12-2011)

Nowadays, the approach of strategic planning is prevalent in nearly all developed countries and it has formed the basis of a variety of rural development plans which have been implemented in different forms and under different titles. This Study is aimed to tourism development in the village of Afjeh. The matrix of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats has been applied to the planning of major strategies. Then, with regard to the position of village in the figure (IE), the optimal strategy for the region will be selected. These tools rely on information obtained from the first phase and then the opportunities and external threats would be compared with SWOTs. To present the various possible strategies effectively, the process of “comparison” between internal and external factors can play an important and crucial role. The final conclusion of the external factors evaluation matrix (the final score of 3.1) indicates that the opportunities for the tourism of the region have been more than its threats and so the macro strategies for the tourism of the region should be compiled, therefore the environmental opportunities can be used in the best way. Regarding the final conclusion of the internal factors evaluation (the final score of 2.46) indicates that the strengths of the region’s tourism are relatively lesser than its weaknesses and macro strategies should be formulated so that the available weaknesses could be overcome. It means that considering the village of Afjeh is in cell (part) “I”, a conservative approach based on internal maintenance and support should be adopted. It also must be noted that because of the proximity position of this village to cell (part) “II”, the adoption of an offensive strategy for this region should be considered.
Eng Allahyar Adeli Guilani, Eng Firouzeh Souri, Eng Mojtaba Pourahmadi,
Volume 33, Issue 145 (6-2014)

A review of the research conducted on the subject of Iran’s development in recent years confirms the significance and necessity of paying attention to sustainable rural development as one of the fundamental bases for urban and national sustainable development. Through a review of the pathology of today’s villages, some issues are encountered like physical, economic, cultural-social, environmental and energy supply problems. Paying attention to each of these problems and giving proper suggestions can help the improvement of the quality and the nature of Iran’s villages and can pave the way for their renewed prosperity and development.

Since securing the whole or part of energy demand of human communities from renewable energy resources is one of the principles of sustainable development, the issue and question of current research is defined as the study and evaluation of biogas technology for supplying portions of energy demand of stockbreeding-based rural communities of Iran from a low price energy source and solving the environmental problems due to incorrect management on collecting and discharging rural waste. The first part of this paper is devoted to a literature review which introduces in brief the biogas technology and discusses its potential advantages. The second part of the paper is a case study of Galesh-Kolam village, in Gilan province in northern Iran. The main reasons why this village was chosen to be studied were its priority in the relevant plan for rural waste management, the serious problem of contamination of local underground water, having no access to the national network of urban gas, and the stockbreeding livelihood of its people.

The paper here investigates the potential of using biogas technology to reduce the dependence of the rural families to their current energy supply resources. A field survey is conducted to do this. A sample of the households of the village was selected and the number of their cows and sheep was counted. The possible produced biogas by this amount of cows and sheep was calculated and its equivalent energy value determined.

In order to calculate the probable saving in the households ' current energy supply, two methods were used. In the first method, the energy demand in the cookery and hot water sections of households were calculated. According to the calculations done, the biogas technology could provide about twenty eight percent of an average family's annual energy demand for cookery and hot water.

In the second method, the saving in energy was calculated for the cookery, hot water, and heating of the building according to the relevant standards and building regulations of Iran. The calculations indicated that the rural families can enjoy a seventeen to forty percent saving in their current energy supply resources.

The paper concludes with a discussion on the findings of the research and puts forward some suggestions on the development of biogas technology in the villages of Iran.

Dr Mehran Alalhesabi, Ameneh Sadat Fattahi Masoum,
Volume 38, Issue 166 (9-2019)

Agrotourism or agricultural tourism is a constructive interaction between the tourist and rural people, during which people's lives, art, culture, and most importantly, their agriculture, are known to the tourist and direct income and economic development are provided. Agroturism as a subset of rural tourism is one of the most suitable areas for sustainable development in villages. The attractiveness of this type of tourism is more due to the cultural dimensions that villagers give to it. This is an issue that, unlike the world's experiences in this field, has not been taken into account in Iran. Anyhow, currently, in Iran special villages under the title "Tourism-target Village" are identified and for the presence of tourists in the village and the economic, cultural and social potential of the people living there, various plans are carried out.
But what agroturism suggests is that this rural tourism model can be the basis for development in any rural village, if they are accompanied by accurate study and proper planning. Even with villages that do not have specific features, such as attractive natural sceneries or special historical site, agrotourism can be effective. The basis of agrotourism is agriculture, which is the welfare of the villagers of the country.
In order to investigate the success rate of this type of tourism, the program "Agricultural Tourism Tour" was conducted in a limited time experiment in the village of Garmeh, Fariman in Khorasan Razavi province. The present paper first explains the implications, benefits and harm of agro-tourism, and further elaborates on the details of this project by analyzing-descriptive method based on field observations and questionnaires and using the SWOT model, which is a tool for combining the findings of analysis, external threats and internal capabilities, it tried to show how to operate agro-tourism in rural areas other than Tourism-target Village. At the end, the strategies for the growth and expansion of this type of tourism are expressed in terms of the results of the SWOT matrix. Research questions are: how can agroteorism, in its full meaning, be effective in villages other than the tourism-target villages? What is the solution to this problem with the least damage to the texture and cultural identity of the village of Garmeh?
The results show that if agro-tourism is to lead to sustainable development of villages and to play a positive role in the lives of rural people, it needs to develop and identify specific strategies, environmental management, development of local partnership, explicit and firm rules, sustainable marketing and realistic planning. However, in the studied village, although it has got positive factors such as wildlife attractions and pristine nature, a calm and quiet natural environment, the possibility of having organic vegetable and medicine plants, and also the existence of basic infrastructure such as water and natural gas, which are essential for growth of tourism, but some weaknesses of the village can affect them. Like  distortion the rural landscape due to the uncontrolled construction by the second and third generation villagers, lack of environmental attention and also unwillingness of the villagers to enter the tourist due to cultural and religious differences. These have to be considered very seriously in order to attract tourist.  The formation of a council and also encouraging farmers to participate in this program much more are the second step that can be considered. In addition, having a financial mechanism, controlling harms and raising awareness through education can boost economic growth in the village by relying on agro-tourism.

Seyyed Amirhosein Garakani, Masoud Heydarvand, Sajad Amiri, Parsa Haghighi,
Volume 40, Issue 176 (12-2021)

The importance of sustainable rural development and its vital role in further development in evolving countries is evident today. According to experts and scholars, having appropriate capital, especially social capital through participation and social trust is the most important factor. This study aims to analyze social capital for sustainable rural development in the three villages of Shahid Beheshti, Jizabad and Moradabad in the Bakharz county of Khorasan Razavi province, in which the empowerment project of local communities has been implemented. The target population in this study consists of 96 people (55 men and 41 women) who are members of rural development micro-groups forming nine groups. In this research, the relationship between trust and participation in the stakeholder network is investigated using network analysis questionnaires and based on direct observation and interviews with all actors, as well as measuring macro-level indicators (including density, bidirectional, translocation and geodetic distance in the two phases before and after the project). It indicates the average level of trust, participation and social capital before the implementation of the local communities’ empowerment project. After the execution of the project, the level of these indicators has improved and reached the desired level. The speed of circulation and exchange of trust and participation between individuals has increased as well, and it has also improved cohesion, unity and solidarity and cooperation between individuals. Thus, the project has enhanced the level of trust, participation and social capital, and as a result, has provided the social context needed for reaching the desired sustainable rural development.


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