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Showing 5 results for Policy

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Volume 31, Issue 139 (12-2012)

  In the very early hours of 26th December 2003, a devastating and strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 on Richter scale struck Bam, one of the historical cities of Kerman province in the south of Iran. According to the official reports, more than 30,000 people were killed and about 25,000 injured. More than 80% of buildings were also destroyed.

  After the disaster, Bam’s reconstruction management process confronted a lot of challenges and faced many fundamental questions. The number of human losses and related social issues, extensive destruction of the historical town, and also the lack of enough experience in reconstruction of a city or town made the reconstruction project of Bam more complicated.



The essay tries to explain public participation in Bam reconstruction procedure. The research has been carried out based on descriptive- analytical method. Subsequent data has been collected from related documents of reconstruction and initial data has been gathered by field survey. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was used to check questionnaires accuracy. The coefficient obtained was about 0.98% . The result shows that Bam reconstruction has been carried out based on a model that emphasize on identity and resistance. This model tried to attract public participation in debris removal, housing units design and provision of construction materials. The participation in debris removal and designing was more successful than other domains.

  Although Bam reconstruction model prepared a suitable context for participation but it could not present a real one. Ideal participation is achievable if it is executed with capacity building and empowerment.

Phd.. Seyyed Amirhossein Garakani, Eng. Mohammad Ali Vojdani, Eng. Mahsa Bashiri,
Volume 34, Issue 151 (12-2015)

In most post-disaster reconstruction programs, relocation of affected settlement is perceived to be an appropriate solution to reduce vulnerability and increase safety to the risk of future hazards. Nonetheless, investigation of various experiences in the country illustrates that outcomes of relocation firmly have not been acceptable for affected people who have been displaced after the disaster. So in some experiences people left the new settlements built by safe technologies in safe places and have come back to old ones despite their vulnerability and probability of hazards in them. In order to explain the necessity of revising the policy of settlements relocation after disasters, the study is taken to indicate in-situ policy for Alishahi Village after Fars Province 2010 Earthquake and to investigate its pros and cones. This is done by using field experiences of authors during the reconstruction procedure, field observations and in-depth interviews with the field study approach and case study method one year after reconstruction time. The policy taken in Alishahi reveals that relocation and resettlement after disasters is not the only choice which is available and by eliminating or reducing vulnerability of the built environment against hazards which may occur in the settlement, in-situ policy may be evaluated as a better option in terms of people’s satisfaction and utilization of existing assets despite higher costs at the beginning of reconstruction. It should be in mind that resistance against hazards cannot be obtained unless accurate observation during reconstruction period. Also in order to have buildings resistant after this period, community capacity has to be elevated by holding educational programs. Beside, while it was thought that the use of indigenous materials and labors and reliance on local knowledge of villagers lead to a slowdown in the reconstruction, in the mentioned experience the reconstruction, compared to the same villages, were done according to the predetermined schedule with the establishment of public participation in the various stages of the housing including planning, deciding and implementation, It also emphasize that designing new houses have to be according to villagers’ needs, demands and nostalgias, so it won’t cause interference in their way of life forming during years and lead to least modifications after reconstruction time.

Zahra Ghatei Kalashami, Fateh Kabiri,
Volume 35, Issue 155 (12-2016)

Policy is a procedure and idea, which is used in different levels to solve the problems of human societies. There may be different organizations in each country, which are bound by certain policies relevant to their procedures in meeting people’s needs and expectations. Housing policies are examples of such courses of actions for solving the residential needs of people. With the growing rate of immigration from countryside to urban regions, it is necessary to pay special attention to rural developments. Since rural housing is the most important need in these habitats and has a direct impact on the city-bound movement of the population, evaluating the relevant policies is of utmost importance. This paper provides  an evaluation of the loan-based government policies for rural housing.

Rural housing is more complex than urban housing as it usually has to cope not only with human needs but with the health requirements of livestock as well. There is usually a need for covered space for all sorts of occupations including weaving, basket making, and production of ropes or fishing nets, drying and processing food etc.

Rural housing should provide the physical environment, the necessary services, and the facilities required for the well-being of the family, their in-house occupations, and even their education. All these necessary aspects for an acceptable housing condition are sometimes brought into question by the poor choice of materials and the structural vulnerability of the constructions.

Moreover, rural housing has suffered from the lack of proper development planning and implementation programs. Most of the policies for rural housing have not been successful because of the neglect of these key aspects. The loan-based programs with the target of alleviating the housing problems in rural areas have not met the affordability criteria for such initiatives. In addition, these  programs have not taken the basic differences of rural and urban housing into consideration and have therefore been a poor copy of the same agenda for the cities. Therefore, the rural housing  remains a grave challenge for governments. There seems to be an urgent need for addressing the scale and dynamic nature of housing issues in a rural setting. It should be seen as an on-going process of improvements in the qualitative and quantitative aspects of residential developments in these regions with special attention to the social, economic, and environmental considerations.

In this study, the present problems of rural housing are reviewed, and subsequently, the government resolutions for these problems are examined. Governmental policies in Iran are formulated in the form of five-year plans. Therefore, the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and weaknesses are examined within the same timeframe using a strategic analysis approach. Results show that in rural housing policies, quantitative aspects of the construction are given more value, while other factors such as the regional climate, the use of local labor and materials,  and participation receive less attention.

Hamed Ghadermarzi, Afshin Bahmani,
Volume 38, Issue 167 (12-2019)

Given the influential role of government actions and policies in the development of rural housing, plans and programs related to housing development, should be approached by holistic approach, In keeping with the villagers' needs, while upgrading the fortification of the houses, preserving the native architecture in terms of the aesthetics and functional diversity of the various rural home spaces. Today's rural housing in the country faces two issues: first, the limited number of rural housing development plans, and second, the high volume of deteriorated housing in the countryside. The province of Kurdistan currently has 121,238 rural housing units, which face numerous weaknesses in terms of quality and quantity. To this end, the present study seeks to answer the following question: How were the social, economic and physical effects of the Special Housing Improvement Project implemented in the rural areas of Kurdistan province?
The present study is an applied one and descriptive-analytical in nature and method. The statistical population of the research is 38,467 renovated rural housing units in the province. Data were collected through library and field study methods. Based on cluster sampling method, three cities of Qorveh, Kamyaran and Sarvabad were selected. Cochran's formula was used to determine the number of samples and 316 individuals were determined. The validity of the questionnaires was assessed by experts and Cronbach's alpha was used to determine its reliability. To analyze the data, one-sample t-test and significance-performance (IPA) technique were used.
Results and discussion
The results of the t-test on the social dimension of rural housing show that the health component consisting of four propositions has the most desirable t-statistic with a significant level of 0.000 and mean 4.17, has the most favorable t-statistic and housing policies have had positive effects on this component. In order to examine the economic impacts of housing development policies, three components of core livelihoods, energy and fuel, and sectoral mobility, comprising 10 propositions, were used. Findings show that in all three components, the level of significance shows a desirable value (0.000). Concerning the physical dimension of housing, the findings show that the specific housing improvement plan has caused a physical transformation of the structural resistance dimension of housing. It can also be noted that the improved physical security status averaged 3.94.
Government policies have always influenced rural housing in various dimensions and reflected physical changes in the texture of these settlements. The findings showed that as a result of the implementation of the Special Improvement Plan (SIP), social transformation in rural housing has occurred and the health components have been improved qualitatively. These positive changes can be attributed to the transition from multi-family housing to single-family residence (reducing household density in residential units), the creation of sanitary spaces in the housing (kitchen, toilet and bathroom) and the separation of livestock storage spaces from households. The Special Economic Improvement Plan has had significant impacts, especially in the energy and fuel sectors, as well as on economic mobility and dynamics. But housing development policies have also had adverse effects on the economic dimension, including damage to livelihoods. With the decline in the level of new housing infrastructure, many of the spaces that are complementary to residents' economic activities have been eliminated, and somehow the livelihoods and economic structure of households have fluctuated negatively.

Mahdi Torkian, Karamollah Daneshfard, Mashallah Valikhani, Nazanin Pilevari,
Volume 41, Issue 178 (6-2022)

In terms of geographical location, Iran's territory is exposed to various natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, storms, droughts, etc. According to the studies, the implementation of crisis management policies has not been successful. Therefore, the research aims to provide a model of effective factors on the implementation of Iran's crisis management policies with an interpretive structural approach. The research method is descriptive-survey and applied in terms of purpose. Data were collected using a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative). The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part consisted of 18 experts and crisis management experts who were selected in purpose and non-randomly. In the quantitative part, the statistical population included the managers and experts of the Crisis Management Organization and the general crisis administrations of the provinces (297 people) and the national and provincial managers of the collaborating organizations and institutions and members of the Supreme Council of Crisis Management (361 people), in total, equal to 658 people. 248 people were selected as a sample based on the table of Krejci and Morgan and using Cochran's formula and simple random sampling. 49 effective factors on the implementation of the crisis management policy were identified and used as a questionnaire. Content validity was confirmed by 10 university professors and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test (α=0.89). Interpretive structural modeling technique was used to rank the components. The findings showed that 49 factors in the form of 12 components impact the successful implementation of crisis management policies and the components were placed in five levels. The factors of capability of human resources and skills of executives, financial and equipment resources and managerial and organizational factors were placed at the bottom level of the model and integrated management and unity of action in the process of policy implementation were located at the top of the model. If the clarity of the missions of the cooperating organizations and institutions, the key plan, forecasting and provision of financial and equipment resources, and the empowerment of human resources are prioritized in the decisions and actions of the directors of the Crisis Management Organization, the implementation of the policies will be facilitated.


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