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Showing 3 results for Local Community

Mehrdad Ebrahimian, Dr Tohid Hatami Khanghahi, Dr Yousef Jahanzamin,
Volume 39, Issue 169 (6-2020)

In Tourism industry, development of second homes in rural areas always has been one of the signs of tourists’ attention to the villages. In recent decades, with the development of these types of settlements, the need to pay attention to the differences between local community and the tourists is felt over and over. These settlements often lead to some inconsistencies and problems due to the social, cultural and economic inequalities between the two communities along with the differences in physical and spatial needs between the two groups. Due to the critical importance of the issue, it always requires special attention from professionals. The purpose of the present study is a comparative analysis of the impact of social, cultural, economic and environmental factors on the formation of the second tourism houses from the perspective of the local community and tourists and ultimately assessment of the similarities and differences between them.
The present study is a combination research using a qualitative technique (semi-structured interview) and to some extent Likert questionnaire. Indicators and outputs making the researcher’s questionnaires, were prepared by a panel of experts from the faculty members of the Architecture Department of Mohaghegh Ardabili University and Islamic Art University of Tabriz. Finally 15 physical indicators were determined and for each of them, 16 subsets in four social, cultural, economic and environmental groups were categorized and edited from the audiences’ point of view. By applying Simple Random Method, 64 local residents and 54 owners of second homes were selected to interview and responding the questionnaires. Statistical sample research on 15 physical variables independent t-test and multiple regressions analyses were applied to analyze the information obtained from completed questionnaires and ultimately identified the factors which influence the design of second homes.
Independent t-test results indicate disagreement between the views of two groups of audiences about how physical variables affect them and the way of second homes formation. Moreover, the results of multiple regression test based on the audiences’ opinions, indicate the impacts of social, cultural, economic and environmental factors on the body of second homes. Regarding physical factors, significant differences were observed between their points of view like paying attention to greenery (green wall, green outdoor,…), applying modern methods in building a second home, considering the importance of perspective, location and orientation of the building, considering half-open spaces overlooking the passageways,  anticipating communal leisure spaces and using native architectural materials and forms. Also average number of community and second homeowners share the agreement to implement variables like using modern and urban forms and views, open houses on four sides (garden house), transparency of the enclosure, embedding livestock, use of cheerful and varied colors in the facade and roof covering, and locating second homes in a detached area of tissue and the proposed texture. Furthermore, regarding physical factors, the idea of restoration of the old building and dedicating it to the second tourist home with two floors or more was faced with average negative comments from tourists and the local community. Moreover, based on audience opinions, multiple regression results indicate the solidarity and direct communication between most of the physical variables and social, cultural, economic and environmental factors. It is essential to attract the attention of the designers and planners to the views of the audiences and increase their awareness about the importance of influential factors in designing and building the second homes.

Mohammad Ghasemi Siani, Assadollah Najafi,
Volume 39, Issue 172 (12-2020)

Cities and villages are the main centers of human societies. They shape the geographical foundations of an area that have special relationships with each other based on socio-economic and spatial characteristics. The rapid spread of technology in recent decades has transformed the way of living and working in cities and villages. On the one hand, this expansion has caused anti-urbanism and on the other hand, it has increased the desire for second homes and rest in places far from cities. This is especially the case for neighboring villages in metropolitan areas, especially Tehran and other large cities. Therefore, every rural settlement located on the outskirts and around these urban centers has been exposed to attention and impact, which affected the villages in different ways. The question is that how villagers see these developments and how they feel the impacts of such changes. The purpose of this article is to study the social and economic effects of the expansion and growth of the metropolis of Tehran in the village of Mehrabad from the perspective of the residents themselves. The research method is based on documentary and field studies and quantitative and qualitative methods. The statistical population of this research is the householders of Mehrabad village (612 households), form which, due to financial and time constraints, the researcher selected 230 householders using the Cochran formula. The next step was to randomly distribute a questionnaire among the householders and to analyze the answers using SPSS software. The results showed that, in the social aspect, the most important effect of metropolitan growth and urbanization in Mehrabad village was the change of the attitude of villagers towards rural life and economic activity, and in the economic aspect, it was the imbalance in employment and the decrease in income and savings of the villagers, which has occurred as a result of neglecting agriculture and animal husbandry.

Seyed Hadi Tayebnia, Ali Izadi,
Volume 42, Issue 181 (3-2023)

Nowadays, the provision of suitable physical monuments and the supplying of necessary life facilities proportion to the time condition are the main factors of the quality of life in biological complexes, especially in rural areas. In this regard, this is provided by government through rural planning at the national level in the country. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to evaluate the consequences of the implementation of the rural leader plan on improving the quality of life of villagers in Rashtkhar district. This research is descriptive-analytical in which the necessary field data was prepared by means of observation, interview and completing the questionnaire. In this study, the statistical population comprises households in rural areas of Rashtkhar village, totaling 3,192 individuals. The case study encompasses 26 villages with inhabitants, among which 12 villages where the Hadi plan has been implemented were chosen as samples. To determine the sample households, the Cochran formula was initially used to calculate 343 households as the sample size, which was later increased to 350 samples to enhance the validity of the results. The research samples were then selected through the simple random sampling method. Additionally, descriptive and inferential statistical methods, the Shannon entropy model, and the Topsis model were utilized for data analysis.
According to the results of the repeated measures analysis of variance, there is a significant difference between various quality of life variables and the highest level of quality of life components being related to physical and infrastructural factors. in the other hand, the effect of the Hadi plan was found to be significant with a value of (F=847/359, V=0/071) and a significance level of (sig=0/000). Therefore, there is a significant difference between different dimensions of quality of life at a 99% confidence level. Overall, it can be said that the effects of the Hadi plan on the quality of life in the studied rural areas were not uniform and its consequences have been able to moderately improve the quality of life of rural households in this region. Finally, based on the results obtained, solutions were proposed for the proper implementation of rural Hadi plans and the improvement of the quality of life of rural residents in the area, in order to prevent the waste of local and national resources and to comply with strategies.

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