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Showing 4 results for Souri

Dr Mohamad Reza Rezvani, Mrs Leila Kowkabi, Mr Hossein Mansourian,
Volume 32, Issue 144 (12-2013)

Land resettlement an activity that involves movement of people from one area to another, is carried out by many developing countries for a variety of reasons. Among the reasons are, to increase agricultural production, to correct spatial imbalances in the distribution of population and improve the service systems. The Total aim of rural resettlement is developing an appropriate context to relocate the villages from the vulnerable and hazardous zones this is performed in order to improve the living conditions and the resident’s well being in the various aspects of life. The resettlement projects in the past two decades in Iran were included relocation and integration which were More in reconstruction of war-torn areas, the regions affected by hazards such as earthquakes, Floods, landslide And In the construction projects which have been implemented in the huge Dams. Considering the impact of resettlement projects - as a fundamental objective of rural communities -it is essential for improvement the life quality. Location and community preservation are among the most important concerns in the resettlement site selection process. Thus, the resettlement sites should provide people with reliable access to productive resources, employment and business opportunities. The members of the community should be consulted and provided with appropriate options for resettlement. This research is conducted to determine the effects of resettlement on quality of life and Pay attention to explain the influencing factors of it in two resettled villages - Isar and Zanjiran in Fars province, Iran. The Research Methodology was analytical and descriptive ones and the required data have been collected by using the questionnaire and interviews. The obtained results of the research indicate that the rate of life satisfaction in the six scale Likert Spectrum is equal to 3.601. The maximum and minimum satisfaction rates are related to Infrastructure, Employment and income range. In addition, the results of the factor analysis for the nine aspects of life quality were identified in the study areas. The six factors include: physical development welfare services quality of housing relations with the nearby villages, towns and cities the hygiene status and Social Welfare, and the total variance for quality of life is measured equal to 71.2. Identifying the impacts of the resettlement projects on the quality of villagers’ lives is essential, Due to importance of it in development and well-being of human. In view of this, it has been suggested that the land resettlement possess should conduct base on recognizing and considering the strengths and weaknesses of such projects, in addition to optimize the rural site selection. Therefore, the resident’s welfare from the different aspects would be improved. During the selection of alternative sites for rural resettlement the following issues should be taken into consideration in terms of meeting the requirements of life quality for displaced people: Developing policies in order to direct people staying in their own regions Developing policies, which will enhance the participation of the population that will be resettled in the decision-making processes Improving rural development models, which intend to increase incomes in rural areas through an approach giving importance to participation Developing rural residential planning and improving organizations serving rural areas Protecting cultural, natural and archeological properties in the affected areas, and relocating these if necessary.

Eng Allahyar Adeli Guilani, Eng Firouzeh Souri, Eng Mojtaba Pourahmadi,
Volume 33, Issue 145 (6-2014)

A review of the research conducted on the subject of Iran’s development in recent years confirms the significance and necessity of paying attention to sustainable rural development as one of the fundamental bases for urban and national sustainable development. Through a review of the pathology of today’s villages, some issues are encountered like physical, economic, cultural-social, environmental and energy supply problems. Paying attention to each of these problems and giving proper suggestions can help the improvement of the quality and the nature of Iran’s villages and can pave the way for their renewed prosperity and development.

Since securing the whole or part of energy demand of human communities from renewable energy resources is one of the principles of sustainable development, the issue and question of current research is defined as the study and evaluation of biogas technology for supplying portions of energy demand of stockbreeding-based rural communities of Iran from a low price energy source and solving the environmental problems due to incorrect management on collecting and discharging rural waste. The first part of this paper is devoted to a literature review which introduces in brief the biogas technology and discusses its potential advantages. The second part of the paper is a case study of Galesh-Kolam village, in Gilan province in northern Iran. The main reasons why this village was chosen to be studied were its priority in the relevant plan for rural waste management, the serious problem of contamination of local underground water, having no access to the national network of urban gas, and the stockbreeding livelihood of its people.

The paper here investigates the potential of using biogas technology to reduce the dependence of the rural families to their current energy supply resources. A field survey is conducted to do this. A sample of the households of the village was selected and the number of their cows and sheep was counted. The possible produced biogas by this amount of cows and sheep was calculated and its equivalent energy value determined.

In order to calculate the probable saving in the households ' current energy supply, two methods were used. In the first method, the energy demand in the cookery and hot water sections of households were calculated. According to the calculations done, the biogas technology could provide about twenty eight percent of an average family's annual energy demand for cookery and hot water.

In the second method, the saving in energy was calculated for the cookery, hot water, and heating of the building according to the relevant standards and building regulations of Iran. The calculations indicated that the rural families can enjoy a seventeen to forty percent saving in their current energy supply resources.

The paper concludes with a discussion on the findings of the research and puts forward some suggestions on the development of biogas technology in the villages of Iran.

Ahmad Roumiani, Hamdollah Sojasi Qeidari, Kheirulensa Mansouri Mansouri,
Volume 37, Issue 162 (9-2018)

Too many word “important” has been used!! Restructure the body. Last sentence started with “therefore”, a plethora of factors affect the rural housing stability level which identifying and analyzing them will be useful in rural housing future programming. The purpose of the study is the dwellings’ structural and functional conformity by considering sustainable development indicators in eastern Rumeshkhan county, Lorestan province. In the last decade, there has been a remarkable change in the housing condition of rural housing. The current study is applied in nature and descriptive-analytical in methodology as well as the fact that literature review and fieldwork used for data gathering procedure. The population of the current study is the villages that took loan from housing foundation more frequently including 10 villages of the Rumeshkhan County. In 1390 general census, the population of these villages was estimated about 2946 families. Hence, based on Cochran’s sample size formula 291 questionnaires were selected as the sample of the study. The instrument used in the current study is questionnaire, which is randomly distributed among rural population. Initially, a list of 48 items in the economic, social, environmental and physical aspects of the rural housing stock in the village of East Rumshaghan was evaluated. Therefore, to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire estimations made based on Cronbach’s alpha which showed 0.850, 0.631, and 729 for the three sections of the questionnaire know as economic dimensions, social dimensions, and environmental dimensions respectively indicating the appropriateness of the questionnaire for the study case. Factor analysis, one sample t-test, variance, and VIKOR were used for data analysis to study the subject. The results of the study showed that 10 factors namely housing safety and security, economic, access to facilities and services, welfare and life quality, material strength in housing, satisfaction with architecture, substructures development, adaptability with natural resources, and productivity of the spaces for housing units explaining more than 0.59 percent of the indicators variances. One sample t showed that the rural housing in sample villages from theoretical variance aspect are low but have positive effects on rural housing. VIKOR results showed that Rashnudeh village with the rate of (0.04) has the highest and Mohammadabad- e Garavand with the rate of (0.56) has the lowest rank in rural housing stability among the focused villages of the study. Therefore, it can be stated that, the rural housing, which function and structure in a historical dynamism and within a higher ordered framework could satisfy the inhabitants special and situational needs and physical expansion of the villages had significant effects on the social, economic, biological, and body factors of the regions’ villages bringing about structural-functional changes in the near villages. Based on the factors mentioned above, and change in the rural housing architecture, new housing patterns were found and the villages Such as Rashnudeh, Lalvand, Bazvand-e Asl which are more closer to the city center having access to more services and starting to use strengthened materials leading to a conspicuous change in the rural environment.

Hassan Kazemi, Nabiullah Mansouri, Seyed Ali Jozi,
Volume 40, Issue 176 (12-2021)

The first step in developing the prevention and safety plan for cities is to identify the existing hazards and crises and to prioritize the risk factors according to historical records and scientific studies to explain the probability of danger. Flood is one of the most high-risk natural hazards that should be given particular attention in crisis management. The study aims to model and predict flood hazard according to the characteristics of Nowshahr port city in Mazandaran province using machine learning models. The criteria and indicators affecting flood hazard, including climate criteria (6-hour rainfall indicator), hydrological criteria (surface runoff height indicators, drainage density, and groundwater depth), topographic criteria (slope and altitude indicators), Soil science criteria (soil type indicator) and land use criteria (land use type indicator) were identified based on the literature review. The indicators were then converted into raster data in the ArcGIS environment and finally standardized by fuzzy method for using in models. K-nearest neighbor models (Fine KNN, Cubic KNN, Cosine KNN, Weighted KNN), decision tree (Fine tree, Medium tree, Coarse tree), ensemble learning (Subspace KNN)) and WLC were used in the present study for flood risk zoning. ROC method was used to validate the models and choose the best one based on assessing the accuracy and area below the diagram of the flood. The layers were prepared in the ArcGIS environment and transferred into MATLAB to perform the modelling process and define the coefficients. The results show that the ensemble learning model with an accuracy of 0.96 and the area below the graph of 0.90 is the best and the WLC model with the accuracy of 0.61 and the area below the graph of 0.62 is the weakest model of flood hazard prediction in Nowshahr. Therefore, the output result of the Ensemble (Subspace KNN) algorithm was chosen to present the final flood risk map.


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مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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