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Showing 1 results for NIKGHDAM

Hoda Mortazavi, Shahin Heidari, Niloufar Nikghdam,
Volume 42, Issue 181 (3-2023)

Through simultaneous examination of climatic factors such as temperature, relative humidity, and air flow, human perception of the surrounding environment can be understood. These variables, which are influenced by environmental conditions, have a significant impact on comfort and shape human thermal responses. Therefore, the combination of these factors has an inevitable psychological and physical impact on human comfort conditions. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the thermal conditions of the environment, which are correlated with human responses and can provide reliable predictions of comfort conditions. Thermal compatibility has also been selected as a theoretical model for research evaluation and its validity has been examined.
This article, in line with project Ashrae-884, focuses on estimating neutral temperature and thermal comfort boundaries for residents of residential buildings on Kish Island during two moderate to warm seasons. Data obtained from field studies in a hot and humid climate have been analyzed using a combination of variables through the statistical methods of correlation and regression analysis via Excel software to predict thermal comfort.
Based on the actual opinions, residents feel comfortable at higher temperatures than those stated in international standards. It is also observed that the average indoor temperature has been in harmony with the comfort temperature, and more importantly, there is an acceptable correlation between the neutral temperature and the monthly average temperature outside the building, which is evidence of the compatibility theory.
Since there is a difference of about 4 degrees between the actual and the predicted neutral temperature in this study, and according to Nickel's studies, every 1 degree difference in the neutral temperature creates a 7% difference in energy consumption in the same space, so by applying the results, we can achieve a 28% energy saving in residential areas. That's why architects are guided towards logical design, and relevant ministries are assisted on the scientific principles of energy consumption. In the present study, contemporary buildings are considered as a case study.

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