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Showing 5 results for Ghasemi

Hossein Farahani, Jamshid Einali, Hamid Ghasemi Viari,
Volume 33, Issue 145 (6-2014)

Iran, because of its geographical position, is one of the areas in the world that have most potential for the occurrence of natural hazards, particularly earthquakes, so that it has the 7th place in Asia and the 13th in the world. With an overview of the seismic zoning maps, we find out that more densely populated rural and urban settlements are located in the foothills of Elburz and Zagros mountains, which have relatively high vulnerability in terms of natural hazards, particularly earthquakes. Therefore, the emphasis of this study was to assess the capacity and vulnerability of rural areas of Sombol Abad against earthquakes. This research seeks to measure the capacities (in social, economic, institutional, physical and natural dimension) in order to coping with the effects of the earthquake hazard, practical explanation of the role of capacity building or strengthening existing capacities to reduce the effects of earthquakes in target rural areas. To investigate this issue, both documentary and field approaches, through descriptive - analytical research method have been used.  In the process of field operations, two types of questionnaires were prepared. The first questionnaire was completed by 224 families selected from 11 villages of the county through stratified sampling and the second questionnaire was completed by 45 of rural authorities. For data analysis, SPSS software, descriptive statistics (mean and average) and inferential statistics (Friedman test, one-sample t-test and correlation coefficient) were used. According to the research objectives, the hypothesis, “whether the administrative capacities in this area in various dimensions (social, economic, institutional, physical and natural) were sufficient for earthquake disaster management,” was examined and analyzed. To test the hypothesis, after clustering characteristics of the five capacity components of households and village authorities (including social, economic, natural, physical and institutional capacity) one sample t test was used and by considering the appropriateness of numerical capacity test (equal to 3) based on the Likert scale, it was analyzed by SPSS software to obtain the average values ​​ for each of the household capacity. On the other hand, by using the Friedman test, it was attempted to calculate numerical average of the capacities of households and Authorities of sample villages to understand the difference rate of their capacities. The results of the study indicated that the capacities available in this area are sufficient to reduce the effects of earthquake and vulnerability of the area. Given the importance of Issue, disaster mitigation is discussed among the parameters influencing the thoughts of development such as the UN Human Development Index. Therefore increasing and strengthening the capacity of rural communities against the risk and confronting future happenings are the main objectives of sustainable reduction of vulnerability in rural area. So, participatory planning approaches, such as capacity building programs through indirect government intervention to protect the villagers and Planning with the help of the people and local experts and emphasizing on training and increasing its level and granting various helps are the methods to reduce the effects of natural disasters and their vulnerability rate. Therefore, the statistical analysis revealed the positive impact of several capacities on earthquake disaster mitigation and vulnerability of individuals, groups and rural community under study and that appropriate Strategy for capacity building and capacity development can be improved to struggle the damages of future earthquakes.

Rasool Lavaei Adaryani, Iraj Ghasemi, Mohammad Ali Mohammadi Gharehghani, Seyed Alireza Noorbakhsh Jafari,
Volume 37, Issue 164 (12-2018)

The main purpose of displacement plan is to dwell the residents of high-risk areas into the safe regions with the aim of improving their economic, physical, social, and environmental situations. These plans often have desirable and undesirable consequences that affect the target groups. Examining these consequences is especially important in the less successful projects based on the idea of learning-from-the-past. The main purpose of the study was to analyze the displacement consequences in Lerini Olya and Lerini Sofla villages in Iran.
This qualitative study employed the critical ethnographic methodology. The critical approach in the study emphasizes that the residential displacement in Lerini village may have done subject to the will of the authorities’ planning system. The population of the study was consisted of the residents of Lerini Olya and Lerini Sofla villages who have experienced the resettlement. Data were gathered by individual semi-structured interviews technique and participant observation and were collected through purposive sampling to reach theoretical saturation and after that were analyzed through coding and conceptualization.
The results revealed that the resettlement process was not successful because of the undesirable locating that in turn had led to the undesirable economic, physical, social and environmental consequences. The steep slope has led to the increased construction costs increasing villagers' debts due to reliance on building mortgages and bank loans and uncompleted houses has made financial and economic issues more important than displacement itself. Decrease of intimacy among the residents due to the distance between houses, difficulties of access to the agricultural lands and concerns about product protection in the villagers' remarks was the other issues among the many. Also, the lack of standards in the size of the residential units for animal livestock led to the livestock slums in the corners of the dwellings and in some cases led to the sale of livestock and migration.
The results of the study showed that the displacement was due to function of two categories. The first and the main category was the difficulty of construction and the development constraints in the previous place. The second cause was based on the people will to shift. So the main cause of the displacement was natural. But the participants believed that their demands did not affect the resettlement plan and it was carried out without regarding stockholders’ desire. Planning from top to down and the lack of people's participation in the process of displacement provided negative and challenging perceptions and prevented the proper implementation of the policy. A different understanding of needs and a heterogeneous interpretation of concepts are other important issues that can have adverse effects in displacement. Generally, the economic and social consequences of the resettlement in this village have been caused by the physical consequences.
The perceived consequences of settlement displacement by stakeholders are different from what is expected from the plan and mentioned for its purposes. In this study, the perceptions and understandings of the rural residents as the main stakeholders of the project was focused. The results showed that there is a gap between the people expectations of displacement and what authorities have had implemented. The failure to meet people expectations from displacement has had a negative effect on the whole process. But the most positive consequences identified by the stakeholders were of the physical outcomes which have often been subjected to a physical-spatial subsystem, and the negative consequences have been perceived in the economic and social subsystem. This means that in rural displacement, intervention in the physical system can have implications for social and economic systems that the authorities cannot ignore. Ignoring of these sub-systems provides grounds for a dysfunctional occurrence in the whole system and a negative impact on its total performance. Therefore, the study suggests that displacement must only be carried out in certain circumstances, and in this case, by means of promotional measures, the displacement will be turned to the will of the people so that people will find a clear understanding of the issue.

Mohammad Ghasemi Siani, Assadollah Najafi,
Volume 39, Issue 172 (12-2020)

Cities and villages are the main centers of human societies. They shape the geographical foundations of an area that have special relationships with each other based on socio-economic and spatial characteristics. The rapid spread of technology in recent decades has transformed the way of living and working in cities and villages. On the one hand, this expansion has caused anti-urbanism and on the other hand, it has increased the desire for second homes and rest in places far from cities. This is especially the case for neighboring villages in metropolitan areas, especially Tehran and other large cities. Therefore, every rural settlement located on the outskirts and around these urban centers has been exposed to attention and impact, which affected the villages in different ways. The question is that how villagers see these developments and how they feel the impacts of such changes. The purpose of this article is to study the social and economic effects of the expansion and growth of the metropolis of Tehran in the village of Mehrabad from the perspective of the residents themselves. The research method is based on documentary and field studies and quantitative and qualitative methods. The statistical population of this research is the householders of Mehrabad village (612 households), form which, due to financial and time constraints, the researcher selected 230 householders using the Cochran formula. The next step was to randomly distribute a questionnaire among the householders and to analyze the answers using SPSS software. The results showed that, in the social aspect, the most important effect of metropolitan growth and urbanization in Mehrabad village was the change of the attitude of villagers towards rural life and economic activity, and in the economic aspect, it was the imbalance in employment and the decrease in income and savings of the villagers, which has occurred as a result of neglecting agriculture and animal husbandry.

Saeed Mohammadzade, Mohsen Ghasemi, Malihe Norozi, Mansor Nikpor,
Volume 40, Issue 173 (3-2021)

The dominance of vehicles in the urban spaces of Iran has continuously decreased the human scale and degraded social values. Unfortunately, the issue of human-centered designs has been rejected in many cities of Iran. The central square of Bam city is one of these spaces. In this study, with regard to the importance of social life in public urban spaces as one of the main elements of the city and public sphere, the effective factors of improving social life in urban spaces are identified. The focus of this identification is on the element of enclosure and the role and significance of each factor in flourishing social activities. The nature of this study is descriptive-analytical, and it has a practical purpose. The study investigates the views of 83 participants in SPSS software with factor analysis and attractiveness measurement model. The results indicate that from a total of 35 identifiers extracted from the literature and the views of experts, 3 main factors (physical-spatial, activity-performance and preceptive-conceptual) are determined with 29 identifiers, which play a significant role in improving social life in urban spaces with focus on enclosure and sociability. Moreover, it was found out that the revitalization of these factors is important in improving social and optional activities without a ffecting compulsory activities. At the end, the results showed that enclosure is the fundamental principle of urban spaces and architectural design, and that the space is in fact begins with enclosures. The observance of the factors identified in this study may turn urban spaces to spaces that are sociable for people in connection with other principles of architectural design.

Zahra Kamali, Maryam Ghasemi,
Volume 41, Issue 180 (12-2022)

Iran is the fourth flood-prone country in the world in terms of vulnerability to floods, and Khorasan-Razavi province, in the north-east of Iran, is at a relatively high risk of flooding that suffer from damage caused by floods every year. This province is the first in the number of floods, the third in damage, and the sixth in casualties in the country, therefore, the annual flood causes extensive damage to the villagers, especially in the residential area. The present study examines the physical vulnerability of houses of rural households in Dargaz county in facing floods. The research method is descriptive, analytical, and based on field survey. The housing vulnerability structure is quantified in 6 components of body, content, superstructure, infrastructure, living space, facilities, and equipment using 18 indicators in the Likert spectrum. The reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.96 and favorable. In this study, out of all the villages affected by floods in the county, 9 villages that were most vulnerable to floods in Dargaz county were selected as samples. In total, these villages have 1514 residential units, of which 225 were selected as samples using Cochran's formula. The results showed that among the examined components, the average vulnerability of the infrastructure or foundation with a number of 2.55 is higher than other components. Although the level of physical vulnerability of houses of rural households in Dargaz county in the face of floods has been evaluated with an average of 2.16 less than the theoretical average and in the low to medium range, the amount of damage caused to 38 surveyed households is over 50%, which is not a low figure. Since it is not possible to completely protect against the flood risk, it is necessary to implement appropriate policies to reduce housing vulnerability when living in a flood-prone area.


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