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Showing 2 results for Divandari

Niaz Azimi, Javad Divandari, Hosein Moradinasab, Hamed Shiekhtaheri,
Volume 41, Issue 178 (6-2022)

Cultural, social, and economic changes and the compulsion of government institutions to create a new way of life and improve the conditions of villagers have brought about changes in rural housing. Thus, yard, which is an integral part of a rural house, undergoes fundamental changes in its body and function. Considering the role of the yard in rural life and with the aim of finding the factors affecting its physical and functional changes, the research studies and examines the rural settlements of Garmsar city. The study is applied research and the method is descriptive-analytical. Data have been collected through field observation, surveying, documents, and library resources. The villages have been selected purposefully and non-randomly, and the sample size is 5% of the statistical population in a random way. Data analysis was done with SPSS and factor analysis to classify the physical and functional factors of the yard. Then, using the one-way analysis of variance (One-Way Anova) it described and analyzed the information. The results show that among the 4 factors identified in the physical changes of the yard, 2 factors, i.e., diversity and flexibility and open space have a significant connection with traditional and contemporary buildings and are most effective in traditional and renovated houses. In other words, there is a hierarchy in the construction of the yard in the rural housing, and in the new rural housing, diversity and open space are also reduced. In this research, open space is a part of yard that includes the essentials of rural life and does not include only unbuilt spaces. Furthermore, the results of functional change analysis also show that, among the 3 identified components, only the factor related to livelihood function has a significant connection and the function of spaces such as: toilets, equipment storages, kitchens, entrances, and terraces in the yards of old houses and reconstruction plays a more effective role than in the yards of contemporary houses.

Hosein Sepehri, Hamidreza Farshchi, Javad Divandari, Amirhosein Sadeghpour,
Volume 41, Issue 180 (12-2022)

Iranians have faced the problem of water shortage since ancient times, and this has caused great ideas in various fields of water extraction, storage, and transfer, such as reservoirs and Qanats. On the other hand, the high consumption of water for various purposes of drinking, agriculture, and industry has reduced the running and underground water resources. With the help of technology and science, new methods have been created to absorb water from air humidity. In one of these methods, obstacles are placed in the path of air movement, and when the air hits them, water molecules suspended in the air are absorbed and transferred to a specific tank. In this research, we investigated the process of absorbing water from air humidity, aiming to achieve the composition of the water extraction device with the help of architectural elements such as solar chimneys, towers, volume, and aspect of the building. Descriptive-analytical research methods and library studies (examination of similar samples in different regions of the world), related software (drawing, analysis), field surveys have been used, and villages that have the necessary capacity in terms of climate have been identified. The results show that The villages of Tehran's Firouzkoh region, including Amin Abad village, are suitable areas for extracting water from air humidity; because these areas are located on the southern slope of the Alborz mountain range and have characteristics such as humidity above 50%, the required direction and prevailing wind, sunlight, slope and suitable features of the land. These factors cause the production of fog in the valleys and create the ability to harvest water from the fog. The method of extracting water from the fog by three-dimensional water-absorbing fabric is proposed. By selecting and placing the device, architectural design in harmony with the specific features of the region, and the use of absorbent curtains with a high percentage of water absorption, the desired result can be achieved. The proposed method can provide water for the daily use of 8 selected residential units in this village without depending on water sources and energy generators.

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مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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