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:: Volume 33, Issue 147 (12-2014) ::
JHRE 2014, 33(147): 65-82 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation the Quality of Living Environment in Rural-towns According to Residents View Based on Fuzzy Logic (Case Study: Rural-town of Aslanduz)
Abstract:   (9258 Views)

 Concern over agreeable appearance of the living environment has a history as long as the formation of primary human settlements. People’s desire to live in pleasant environments has increase the importance of attention to the quality of life in urban and rural areas. The current paper  aimes to assess effective factors influencing citizen’s satisfaction with the quality of life in urban-rural area of Aslanduz.

Accordingly, after reviewing theoretical literature of environment quality, the conceptual framework consisting of 15 factors was established  and analyzed. The methodology of the study is a combination of descriptive-analytic survey with the aims of producing applicable results and executive strategies. .

Different variables including age, gender, education level, economic satisfaction and marital status were tested for correlation with15 dependant factors in order to analyze their impact on the resident’s quality of life. The sample size was estimated 384 respondents based on Cochran’s formula. The members of the study sample were chosen by random sampling method regarding population of study sub-communities of Aslanduz. One-way ANOVA test (for multiple independent variables) and T-test (for independent bi-variables) was used to compare the average degree of the subjective quality of environment declared by the respondents in different stages. To analyze data, the statistical methods such as: Frequency distribution, T-test- Spearman correlation coefficient, Phi and Cramer were used using SPSS software. In addition, for completion of the analyzes, fuzzy multi-criteria and cluster analyzes were used.

The results show that the overall satisfaction of citizens’ with their quality of environment is low. The obtained results which was evaluated in 5 levels (Very low, low, relatively high, high, very high Satisfaction) using cluster analysis, indicates Behdari alley has the best situation. Kamp is placed at second level and other alleys are in middle level. Also, the obtained results demonstrate that there is no significant relationship between gender and main variables of Quality of environment. In addition, the relationship between age and main variables of quality of environment is non-significant. In terms of marital status and main variables of quality of environment, no significant relationship exists that is vice versa with the economic status and main variables of quality of environment. Ultimately, there is no meaningful relationship between education level and main variables of quality of environment.

Keywords: Satisfaction, Quality of living environment, Alley, Rural-town of Aslanduz
Full-Text [PDF 505 kb]   (1837 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: سکونتگاههای شهری و روستایی
Received: 2012/09/27 | Accepted: 2013/04/6 | Published: 2014/12/6
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(2014). Evaluation the Quality of Living Environment in Rural-towns According to Residents View Based on Fuzzy Logic (Case Study: Rural-town of Aslanduz). JHRE. 33(147), 65-82.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-402-en.html

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Volume 33, Issue 147 (12-2014) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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