Land resettlement an activity that involves movement of people from one area to another, is carried out by many developing countries for a variety of reasons. Among the reasons are, to increase agricultural production, to correct spatial imbalances in the distribution of population and improve the service systems. The Total aim of rural resettlement is developing an appropriate context to relocate the villages from the vulnerable and hazardous zones this is performed in order to improve the living conditions and the resident’s well being in the various aspects of life. The resettlement projects in the past two decades in Iran were included relocation and integration which were More in reconstruction of war-torn areas, the regions affected by hazards such as earthquakes, Floods, landslide And In the construction projects which have been implemented in the huge Dams. Considering the impact of resettlement projects - as a fundamental objective of rural communities -it is essential for improvement the life quality. Location and community preservation are among the most important concerns in the resettlement site selection process. Thus, the resettlement sites should provide people with reliable access to productive resources, employment and business opportunities. The members of the community should be consulted and provided with appropriate options for resettlement. This research is conducted to determine the effects of resettlement on quality of life and Pay attention to explain the influencing factors of it in two resettled villages - Isar and Zanjiran in Fars province, Iran. The Research Methodology was analytical and descriptive ones and the required data have been collected by using the questionnaire and interviews. The obtained results of the research indicate that the rate of life satisfaction in the six scale Likert Spectrum is equal to 3.601. The maximum and minimum satisfaction rates are related to Infrastructure, Employment and income range. In addition, the results of the factor analysis for the nine aspects of life quality were identified in the study areas. The six factors include: physical development welfare services quality of housing relations with the nearby villages, towns and cities the hygiene status and Social Welfare, and the total variance for quality of life is measured equal to 71.2. Identifying the impacts of the resettlement projects on the quality of villagers’ lives is essential, Due to importance of it in development and well-being of human. In view of this, it has been suggested that the land resettlement possess should conduct base on recognizing and considering the strengths and weaknesses of such projects, in addition to optimize the rural site selection. Therefore, the resident’s welfare from the different aspects would be improved. During the selection of alternative sites for rural resettlement the following issues should be taken into consideration in terms of meeting the requirements of life quality for displaced people: Developing policies in order to direct people staying in their own regions Developing policies, which will enhance the participation of the population that will be resettled in the decision-making processes Improving rural development models, which intend to increase incomes in rural areas through an approach giving importance to participation Developing rural residential planning and improving organizations serving rural areas Protecting cultural, natural and archeological properties in the affected areas, and relocating these if necessary.
rezvani M R, kowkabi L, mansourian H. (2013). The resettlement effects on quality of life in the villages damaged by natural hazards (Case Study: Zanjiran and Isar town in Fars province). JHRE. 32(144), 87-106. URL: