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:: Volume 36, Issue 157 (6-2017) ::
JHRE 2017, 36(157): 87-100 Back to browse issues page
Social Resilience in Reconstruction Process (Case Study: Darb-e-Astaneh and Baba Pashman Villages After the 1385 Lorestan, Silakhor Earthquake)
Parviz Piran , Saeedeh Asadi * , Nikoo Dadgar
Post-Disaster Reconstruction Dept. Architecture and Urban Design Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University , saeedehasadi1363@gmail.com
Abstract:   (7772 Views)

In recent decades, “social resilience” and “resilient society” concepts have been rendered integral concerning disaster risk reduction, disaster response as well as Post-Disaster reconstruction programs success with respect to public participation. This study attempts to examine the concept of social resilience and its efficacy in successful reconstruction process after an earthquake. This paper seeks to identify effective factors of social resilience as an indicator in two communities that have been hit by the 1385 Lorestan earthquake in Iran evaluating their social resilience. In addition, it is further investigated whether or not such indicator may contribute to leave out the temporary housing phase, accelerating reconstruction programs after the earthquake. Darb-e-Āstāne and Bābā-Pashmān villages were selected as case studies located in Silakhor plains of Lorestan province. Social capital and unity, social network integrity, social and economic consistency of the communities before the earthquake and finally the severity impact factors are among the  key indicators in determining rehabilitation success after an earthquake. These factors also found to be effective in the emergence of resilience in rural communities. The data were collected via documentary research, semi-structured interviews. According to research questions, four hypotheses in the form of four main indicators and eleven sub-indicators such as, level of social resilience, social capital, adaption capacity, success of the reconstruction programs, shock absorption capability, community capacities, the social infrastructures, indigenous knowledge, local skills, and type of reconstruction programs and procedures of responsible organizations were developed. Correspondingly, 23 measures including sense of place, level of trust in others, religion and common beliefs, the ultimate satisfaction of reconstruction, earthquake awareness, public participation in social groups, self-sufficiency in housing etc. These are provided through field survey, site observations as well as in-depth interviews with the people and local authorities and have been put in test by a combination of qualitative and quantitative strategies for data analysis. Based on the results of Community Resilience Capacity researches, the ability to absorb earthquake shocks is integral. This is closely tied with sociological characteristics and norms that are found within indigenous knowledge of Lorestan rural communities as part of the social capital based on the findings of this study. As a result of this study it may be advisable to skip temporary post disaster housing in reconstruction programs for a more efficient and faster recovery. In addition, the procedure of programs and their implementation by the authorities were influenced in formation of social cohesion and relations among affected people. Furthermore, the results of social resilience evaluation of these two villages were estimated to be relatively high and close to each other.

Keywords: social resilience, rural communities, reconstruction, Silakhor plain earthquake, Lorestan.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/09/16 | Accepted: 2016/11/13 | Published: 2017/06/11
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Piran P, Asadi S, Dadgar N. (2017). Social Resilience in Reconstruction Process (Case Study: Darb-e-Astaneh and Baba Pashman Villages After the 1385 Lorestan, Silakhor Earthquake). JHRE. 36(157), 87-100.
URL: http://jhre.ir/article-1-1140-en.html

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Volume 36, Issue 157 (6-2017) Back to browse issues page
مسکن و محیط روستا Housing and Rural Environment
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